How to treat the elderly insomnia

Insomnia in the elderly is a physiological phenomenon, people, old and young, sleep is early to bed, early to wake, more easy to break.Older people sleep less, shallow sleep, sleep wake up the number of times increases, sleep not steadfast, difficulty falling asleep, wake up, always feel no fatigue.Factors affecting elderly sleep and prostatic hypertrophy, some "kidney kidney cold", it is easy to have a night, affect sleep.Cardio-cerebrovascular disease, elderly chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and also often cause insomnia.

The elderly insomnia also has relationship with sex.The old woman more susceptible to mental disturbance and insomnia.Urged TCM neijing "clearly nothing, from which the true spirit, the spirit within, ill never Ann", advocated to prevent the upset emotionally.

Before sleeping, not eating too full, more do not overeat excitability and eat some food."Element asked, reverse adjust theory called" stomach don't lie ".2 ~ 3 hours before sleeping to drink yogurt or eat a banana is good for sleeping.Before sleeping, read some books and magazines, let vision fatigue, slightly by the chance of a power nap sleep, or take a walk after dinner to go for a walk, just before bed, let the body a little tired, can also take this opportunity to have a good sleep.

Although sleeping pills can make people to fall asleep quickly, but sleeping pills to paraphrase is a temporary auxiliary treatment, still should depend mainly on life and mental nursing, and apply the same kind of sleeping pills for a long time to also easy to rely on or resistance.Dietotherapy medicinal food Chinese medicine for treating insomnia have certain benefits, should eat more at ordinary times lily, lotus seeds, nuts, zizyphus jujube kernel, walnut kernel.Some proprietary Chinese medicine such as cinnabar sedative bolus, cedar seed yangxin pill, anshen pills for bushing, spleen-invigorating for treating insomnia have a role, such as dialectical medication, should be paid attention to only focus on comprehensive recuperation.

How to treat the elderly insomnia

How to treat the elderly insomnia one way

Insomnia is a sleep disorder disease.A health hazard.And for the elderly, insomnia is a kind of harm to health of body and mind diseases.And can say yao is one of the important diseases in the elderly insomnia induced insomnia.So for the elderly, attaches great importance to the elderly insomnia problem is very necessary.So should be how to treat insomnia in the elderly?

How to treat insomnia in the elderly is a problem concerned by many people, because the elderly insomnia directly affect the health of the elderly, of course, we need to know is why will cause insomnia in the elderly, can better treat insomnia in the elderly.

Sleep is a sign of a sleep disorder, insomnia is generally less sleep time, sleep lightly effects such as a sign of a social function during the day.In fact some folk prescription for the treatment of insomnia for insomnia is also have certain effect.

The following is the best folk prescription treatment of insomnia:

Honey has the effect of yiqi, Ann in the five zang-organs, it has an obvious effect correction of insomnia.Honey can 3 teaspoons, add right amount water, every night to drink again.

Millet contains rich in tryptophan.Tryptophan can promote brain cells secrete a kind of make the sleepy neurotransmitters - five serotonin, ammonia, temporary suppression to brain activity.Insomnia is often available millet 30 grams, 5 grams of pinellia, cooked porridge to eat every night.

Peanut leaf fresh leaf (best) with plain boiled water rushed into in POTS or a cup of water, such as peanut leaf color next bubble after drink, about 10 minutes to fall asleep.

30 grams of dried ginger research into fine at the end of the storage tank for later use.Take 3 grams per night, rice water to send.If can cover was taken after the sweat, can also strengthen the insomnia treatment effect.

eggsYellow 4, 40 grams of gelatin, rice wine or 500 ml yellow rice wine, salt, the wine on the slow fire boil, donkey-hide gelatin, the melt after add egg yolks, salt, stir well, then boil, after cooling storage into the cleaner.In the morning and 1 times each day, along with the quantity YinFu.

Fresh zizyphus jujube root fresh salvia miltiorrhiza 16 grams, 30 grams, water decocting 2 times a day, attending night insomnia, forgetfulness, more strange dream.The above remedies must be under the guidance of a doctor.

So for how to treat insomnia in the elderly had better choose some diet help, of course can also improve some sleep habits, so as to effectively improve the elderly insomnia.Of course for the elderly, if insomnia can't get good improve, best can go to seek the help of the doctor.

How to treat the elderly insomnia scheme ii

Elderly insomnia for more, insomnia, much dream, easy to wake, sleep less time, light, etc.Insomnia, especially for patients with heart disease and high blood pressure is not good.So how to effectively overcome the old insomnia?We know from the following several aspects.

First of all, of the important methods for treatment of insomnia in the elderly, is to have a regular routine habit.Adjust the sleep time, sleep time to wake up the whole body comfortable, energy recovery, physically and mentally relaxed as well.Viewing their physique, life habit adjust themselves.60 ~ 70 years generally 7 ~ 8 hours, 70 ~ 80 at the age of 6 ~ 7 hours, more than 80 - year - old 6 hours can (including around midday rest for 1 hour).

Second, build a sleep friendly environment for the bedroom.Should guarantee the bedroom is quiet, clean and comfortable.Keep in dark and quiet bedroom, indoor temperature shoulds not be too cold heat, humidity shoulds not be too high too low.Open the window ventilation before sleep, let indoor air fresh, sufficient oxygen, more effective prevention of insomnia in the elderly.

Third, pay attention to the sleeping posture is also an effective way to treat insomnia in the elderly.Right side can be helpful for muscle relaxation, eliminate fatigue, help food drive in the direction of the duodenum in the stomach, also can avoid cardiac compression.Right side too long, can exchange to lie on your back.Stretch the arms, trunk straight, muscles relax and maintain blood flow and breathing naturally.

Fourth, the elderly insomnia related to choose bedding also.To avoid insomnia, should be to select the plank bed, mattress pad, appropriate soft, smooth, moderate thickness, thick easy cause heat endogenous, too thin is vulnerable to cold outside, have a night sleep soundly.Bedding, such as,The quiltShall be clean, bed sheet, pillow, make the person feels comfortable.Pillow should have appropriate flexibility, such as kapok pillow, straw pillow, PuRong pillow, foam pillow, etc., are much more to help the elderly fall asleep as soon as possible.

Fifth, the old insomnia, where there are lots of attention and young people.Spirit not excited and nervous before going to sleep, don't eat too much dinner, less water in order to avoid a night affects sleep, and so on.

In the end, is to prevent the elderly insomnia, can get into the habit of hot bubble foot before sleep.Hot bubble foot can cause vasodilation, and guide blood downward, and bring the sleepy, RuMei shorter time, sleep more ripe and sweet.

How to treat the elderly insomnia scheme three

Insomnia, much dream, easy to wake, sleep time, sleep is not deep not familiar, etc.This is a combination of a series of symptoms rather than the disease.Inspection will be necessary to rule out the disease or problems affecting sleep.

Follow a regular sleep schedule

At the same time every day to go to bed and get up at the same time, the weekend.

Maintain the appropriate sleep environment

Should have a quiet, clean and comfortable environment.Keep in dark and quiet bedroom, indoor temperature shoulds not be too cold heat, humidity shoulds not be too high too low.Before open the window ventilation, let indoor air fresh, sufficient oxygen, but should prevent colds.

Choose bedding

The old joint disease easily, should avoid sleep coir rope bed, with wooden beds advisable, pad on the mattress, appropriate soft, smooth, moderate thickness, thick easy cause heat endogenous, too thin is vulnerable to cold outside, have a night sleep soundly.Quilt, bed sheets, pillows are to be clean and tidy, make the person feels comfortable.Appropriate pillow with moderate elastic, such as kapok pillow, straw pillow, PuRong pillow, foam pillow, etc.Recently, the market useful Chinese medicine filling pillow, patients can shih syndrome "pillow" : a headache on the eye red, something is phlogistic, choose the chrysanthemum drug pillow;Distracted, night sleep soundly restless, choose the wick drug pillow;Flush on blood pressure, complexion, selfheal available drug pillow;Cervical hypertrophy and cervical spondylosis drug pillow;Sleep mung bean drug pillow, winter summer cinnamon drug pillow.

Pay attention to the position

To right side especially good, can be helpful for muscle relaxation, eliminate fatigue, help food drive in the direction of the duodenum in the stomach, also can avoid cardiac compression.Right side too long, can exchange to lie on your back.Stretch the arms, trunk straight, muscles relax and maintain blood flow and breathing naturally.

Avoid excitement before sleeping

Excited, before going to bed can cause insomnia and more dreams.So don't activity intensity before sleeping, should not be nervous TV shows and movies, watch esoteric books.

Adjust the sleep time

Sleep time general to wake up the whole body comfortable, energy recovery, physically and mentally relaxed as well.Viewing their physique, life habit adjust themselves.60 ~ 70 years generally 7 ~ 8 hours, 70 ~ 80 at the age of 6 ~ 7 hours, more than 80 - year - old 6 hours can (including around midday rest for 1 hour).

Hot bubble foot before sleep

Vasodilation, guide the qi and blood, bring the sleepy, RuMei shorter time, sleep more ripe and sweet.

Don't eat before sleeping

Before sleeping, eating, especially oily products, will increase the burden of gastrointestinal, diaphragmatic muscle to lift the chest compression, abdomen bilges full, easy cause much dream, say talk in a dream, a nightmare, should avoid, does not contain caffeine and alcohol to drink.

Less water before sleep to urinate

The elderly kidney deficiency, if there is no disease of heart head blood-vessel, should bedtime drink less, then go to bed after pee.Avoid full bladder, increase defecation frequency.

Move on a regular basis

Exercise can help naturally into sleep, but don't movement in late dusk, because it can stimulate the cardiovascular and nervous system, and keep you awake.

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