The treatment of depression, insomnia

The treatment of depression, insomnia

: what is the cause of intractable insomnia, we often see a lot of management the company people are depressed, but it is in the evening insomnia, we all know that a lot of people because of the long-term insomnia, bring great harm to health.So to death is what causes us insomnia, depressive insomnia treatment of traditional Chinese medicine experts in detail for you.

The treatment of depression, insomnia

Insomnia, have a lot of factors are responsible for, so want to do a good job of prevention of insomnia in life, we must first understand what is the cause of insomnia, so what is the cause of stubborn sex insomnia?Let's take a look at depressive insomnia treatment of traditional Chinese medicine experts.

Biological factors: high-speed travel across several time zones and from day to night shift work, due to the body biological clock has not yet been adapted to new circadian rhythm, so one of the reasons is the stubborn sex insomnia.

2. Environmental factors: noise interfere with sleep or light, heat or cold is stubborn sex insomnia.Bedding, such as high or bedding affect sleep too thick or too thin.

3. The psychosocial factors: stress and all sorts of life events can cause insomnia.Such as anxiety, irritability or depression and other psychological factors that are important to the causes of insomnia.

4. The body disease factors: all kinds of pain diseases, such as heart and lung disease, asthma, arthritis, adanced cancer, nocturia, gastrointestinal diseases, renal failure, thyroid function hyperfunction, such as Parkinson's disease often cause insomnia.

The treatment of depression, insomnia

Depression insomnia how to treat?Insomnia may seem small, actually otherwise, insomnia, severe damage.Short-term insomnia, not try to adjust, is likely to turn into a stubborn sex insomnia, this is not unfounded.Ask, in daily life, the treatment of insomnia small folk prescription is there?In general, depression, insomnia how to treat?According to a series of problem let's look at the introduction of expert.

Treatment of insomnia small folk prescription can't ignore it.

A, cope with insomnia: insomnia don't have to worry about, the more nervous, more is forced to sleep, the results backfire.Some people have insomnia is nervous for days, and think like this, the brain can not get rest, not short-lived, will be sick.

Second, understand the cause: the factors causing insomnia, have already mentioned before, as long as pay attention, it's not hard to find.Reason to eliminate, insomnia, self-healing, for insomnia caused by disease, the doctor in time.

Three, daily response: before sleeping outdoors for a walk for a while, relax the spirit, or take a bath before go to bed, or hot bubble foot, then go to bed, have to ride on smoothly to sleep.

Four, drinking milk before sleeping: before sleeping, drink a cup of hot milk with sugar, according to a study, can increase human insulin secretion, increase amino acid into the brain cells, accelerate the secretion of the human brain serotonin sleep;Milk contained traces of morphine style material at the same time, with a calm sedative effects, prompting the body safe to sleep.

The treatment of depression, insomnia related content

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