Much dream to see psychological doctor

Much dream and dream is normal physiology phenomenon, short sleep time, sleep enough depth, there is a close relationship between sleep quality is not high, much dream is not dream number increase, but the increase the number of memory of the dream.

Want to see the psychological doctor _ duke of zhou interprets have many dreams

Is, indeed, feel "dreaming all night", is by no means a deliberately fabricated.Feeling but also can appear illusion, because different functional status in dreams are different, can't accurately response the objective facts.
Such as morning feel very tired, in fact, the body and brain is sufficient rest, after the wash gargle will feel energetic, this situation is not too seriously.But if you have insomnia, because more than a dream and will pay attention to it
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- you have to relax and not to dream too much attention, between half an hour to an hour before sleep, unfavorable ponder over a problem or reading a book, etc., should make the appropriate physical activity such as walking, avoid intense mental activity.
Also can eat a few food to prevent insomnia.Such as: milk, fruit (apple, banana, pear, etc.), syrup, millet congee, congee, lotus seed powder of semen ziziphi spinosae (zs) porridge and so on.Don't easily using hypnotic sedative drugs, because it has a morning after rebound after discontinuation of tiredness, easy to addiction, such as side effects, so should not be long-term use.
Advice: if you appear insomnia, much dream, first from their own psychological reasons or turn to find a doctor.

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