Dream delayed the rest?

Often hear someone complain ";Made a night dream, a night didn't rest well ";, ";Dream at night, can not sleep ";.That is really a dream delayed rest?Dream is the brain never rest or rest bad performance?

Dream delayed the rest?_ duke of zhou interprets

This kind of idea is wrong, to dream and be able to remember dreams not sleep is not deep, also cannot say dream didn't sleep well.
In fact, the dream is a physiological phenomenon, no matter do you have a dream memories, what are you doing every night BiDing 4 ~ 5 back to dream.
Therefore all night dreaming or not reality, not even in the dream is not dream much less.
Research has shown that dream feeling degree is not necessarily associated with insomnia.That is to say, with or without the degree of sense of dream and cannot serve as objective indications insomnia or not and the degree of insomnia.
Why, then, there will be at the front of the complaints?Through investigation and analysis, some scholars believes is related to the following factors:
(1) knowledge and the relationship of the feeling of sleep and dream sleep know very little.
(2) related to people's emotional state.
(3) too much to his own health care, to dream too much attention, lead to enhanced dream feeling.In turn increase the health worry, fear of insomnia, and form a vicious circle.
(4) during REM sleep late and wake up is more likely to recall the content of dreams.
(5) the individual function status differences, different individual sense of dream is different, even the same individual in different periods, different functional status, dreams are also different, so, some people will feel for a period of time is a dream, dream and the other a period of time.
In addition, some people even though there is no obvious insomnia, but feel tired during the day after the night dreaming, in fact this is a kind of psychological factors.The contents of the dreamer is always the dream and his mood unpleasant things together, make the thought burden, mood is depressed, and all sorts of discomfort.
Dream itself to have certain benefits, and sleep unless you night after night dream shall not sleep peacefully, have apparent lethargy in the day, and affect the normal work and life, you should see a doctor about, finding the cause and treatment.

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