Insomnia, much dream do pregnant women pregnant women insomnia, much dream

A pregnant womanInsomnia, much dream

Pregnant women insomnia, much dream do?Modern life rhythm is fast, easy to generate bad mood.Especially for pregnant women, the fast pace of working and living condition, very easy to make its produce cases of insomnia, affect their health.Below to introduce you to some pregnant women insomnia, much dream to do, the hope can help you.

Diet: don't eat too stimulating and greasy food, especially dinner, had better give priority to with delicate food, if eat too much stimulation or greasy food, can make the expectant mothers of intestines and stomach have a very strong sense of full bilge, because uncomfortable, mother nature is difficult to fall asleep.

Insomnia, much dream do pregnant women pregnant women _ duke of zhou interprets insomnia

Second, soothing mood: can listen to some light music more at ordinary times, I prefer to some classical music and music of bandari, expectant mothers can choose according to his be fond of some light music to relieve tension.

Three, improve mood: often insomnia, much dream of expectant mothers must pay attention to adjust oneself mood, full of hope for the future rather than worrying, once worried his doubt, you can buy some books to read, understandpregnancyDuring the matters needing attention, and the need to prepare the goods, in this way, various doubts will work out in the end of their anxiety, mother nature can easily cope with prenatal anxiety.

Four, insist to take exercise: can insist every day for a walk, walk to had better choose beautiful environment, fresh air, such as a park near the house, or any other green a better place.This can also improve insomnia, because walking is a can relieve pressure, 2 it is through a simple movement, can make the mother produces some fatigue, the fatigue will deepen the degree of mother sleep.But must pay attention to the time for a walk, pregnant women can't be too tired.

These ways are the methods that alleviate insomnia, much dream, expectant mothers might as well have a try, hope I can help you.If your illness is serious, to adjust the result is bad, must be timely to professional hospital treatment, don't make yourself miserable because delay disease, unable to extricate themselves.

Pregnant women insomnia, much dream do

During pregnancy, pregnant women sleep became pregnant mother adjust the key of the body.Pregnant mother is easy to suffer from insomnia, but also often dreaming.The pregnant mother's unique physiological changes during pregnancy is a very close relationship.Insomnia, much dream, will affect the pregnant mother's sleep quality, pregnant mother must take measures.And before take measures, pregnant mother to know why I insomnia, much dream.

Friday night dream

Most of the pregnant mother during pregnancy, insomnia is related to the psychological pressure is too big.Some pregnant mothers worry baby is perfect or not, will the dysplasia or deformity, especially in the process of pregnancy, due to colds and other diseases, after taking drugs, but doubts whether drugs will affect fetal baby.

Some pregnant mother will worry that he will bear the burden of pregnancy, worry about whether delivery smoothly, could cause an accident.In short, the pregnant mother have all kinds of mental stress, depressed, or psychological disorders.Over time, cause insomnia, much dream.

Relieve stress three tips

1, psychological adjustment, and consulting

For insomnia, much dream of pregnant mothers, strengthening psychological health during pregnancy, this is the only effective way of the pregnant mother.In their psychological adjustment doesn't work, what are the ideological doubts and psychological burden should find the doctor treatment and consultation, let oneself psychological healthy, happy pregnancy.

2, eliminate the psychological fear and anxiety

Pregnant mothers during pregnancy is the most good-looking some books about the pregnancy and childbirth, some problems of her body, don't ", "to believe in antenatal examination, learn to regulate emotions.

3, timely treatment of their disease

, of course, there are a few pregnant mother because itself has certain heart, cerebrovascular disease, so when the night sleep, because sleep unconsciously is in the midst of improper position, this will also cause heart, brain tissue ischemia hypoxia symptoms, causing the pregnant mother often nightmare wake up with a start.The pregnant mother should have to go to the hospital examination, treatment, to ensure safety for pregnancy, childbirth.

Lie on your back can also lead to insomnia, much dream

About 3 months pregnant, pregnant mother's sleep will reduce obviously.Except for fetal baby increase the cause of uterine volume rising, the pregnant woman sleeping position also nots allow to ignore, pregnant mother with supine sleep for a long time, the long to do this, is likely to form insomnia.

Because when the pregnant mother USES the supine, uterus oppression inferior vena cava, reduce blood pregnant mother change, decreased cardiac output.Some pregnant mothers can be a sudden chest tightness, short of breath, pale, sweating and other symptoms, or even a drop in blood pressure, shock, called "supine hypotension syndrome".

Early pregnancy, pregnant mother's uterus increase is not obvious, the effects of a supine position for babies in the womb.But after 5 months pregnant, due to the significant increase in the weight and volume of the uterus, the uterus and adjacent organs, blood vessels, the adjacent relations have also changed, especially after 7 months pregnant, pregnant mother and fetal weight gain their body weight, late pregnancy sleeping posture can directly affect the uterine blood flow, especially for babies in the pregnant mother and child supine position will produce a series of adverse effects.

Left side a sleep is the best position

Small make up recommend pregnant mother had better use left side a sleep.Especially in late pregnancy, left side of the aortic and iliac artery can reduce the gravid uterus oppression, to maintain normal tension to ensure that the placental blood perfusion, the pregnant mother is not easy to lower extremity edema, varicose veins of lower limbs and fetal dysplasia and other symptoms.

If pregnant mother left side who have difficulty for a long time, when the hypothesis on the right hip pad, such as blankets, pillows or quilt in pelvic tilt to the left, also can have the effect of the left side a.

Insomnia, much dream suggests that you lack calcium

Pregnant mother during pregnancy, the body of calcium requirements than the average person, because the belly baby also need calcium, in the process of growth from the mother and baby need calcium.Calcium is essential for bone growth elements not only, also be the important neurotransmitter, it can strengthen the cerebral cortex inhibition process, can be adjusted between excitation and inhibition of balance.

Human body lack calcium can affect the normal metabolism of neurons in the brain, easily lead to cerebral cortex in the excited state continuously, and then in the evening insomnia, not sleep.

Calcium remember 3 size tips

When to eat calcium tablet, can choose a small dose of calcium tablet, oral 2 ~ 3 times a day.Also 500 ml milk, if divided into 2 ~ 3 times to drink, drink away all calcium effect is better than one.

Calcium easy to combine with oxalic acid, phytic acid, etc, affect the absorption of calcium, so calcium supplements should be the best time, between meals before going to bed.Attention to distance have a period of time, sleeping is the best rest for half an hour after dinner can, for the blood calcium concentration in the lobster and the lowest in the morning, the most suitable calcium supplements.

Can eat more food rich in calcium, like milk and dairy products, animal liver, eggs, legumes, nuts, dried small shrimps, sesame paste, seaweed, seafood, hawthorn, and some green vegetables.

Anemia during pregnancy insomnia, much dream

The second trimester, pregnant mother appear insomnia is usually caused by anemia during pregnancy.At that time, if the pregnant mother had anemia, you should keep a good mood, less sleep during the day and night to drink milk before sleeping is really key, even if not sleep also want to close your eyes, can not think too much, can help the baby grow.

Blood supplement folic acid

For more than people with moderate anemia pregnant mother, iron treatment is also very necessary.Anemia during pregnancy ChuFu iron agent, pregnant mothers can also take small doses of folic acid, each about 400 ug.Pregnant mothers taking small doses of folic acid is not only beneficial to prevent anemia, and conducive to the prevention of congenital neural tube defects and congenital heart disease, but note that the pregnant mother taking folic acid dosage is not big.

On a diet, pregnant mother is the most delicious foods rich in iron.Animal food in the liver, blood tofu and meat iron content high, absorption is good.Egg yolk also contains iron, vegetables have lower iron content, absorption is poor, but fresh green vegetables are rich in folic acid, folic acid involved in the production of red blood cells and folic acid deficiency large cell anemia, can also cause mixed and anemia.

Thus we should not only eat a certain amount of meat in the diet, liver, blood tofu;Also want to eat fresh vegetables.Both are rich in iron, vitamin A in the liver.Vitamin A is helpful to iron absorption and utilization.Eat liver once a week to take precautions against anaemia is very good.

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