Dream and sleep quality

Along with the progress of modern psychology, the study of dreams is more and more deep, one thousand over the mystery in the dream is gradually crumpled to "dream sleep helps the brain health", is one of recent research conclusion.

_ duke of zhou interprets dreams and sleep quality

Dream is a kind of normal human physiological and psychological phenomenon, indispensable.People to sleep, a small part of the brain is still in the activity, this is the foundation of the dream.According to research, people sleep is by the positive phase of sleep and paradoxical sleep two forms of alternating, in a paradoxical sleep awakened people, with 80% having a dream in the positive phase of sleep awakened people have 7% are dreaming.A person dreams can be intermittent last about 1.5 hours per night.Because the dream associated sleep cycle regularity, so in the paradoxical sleep wake up, no matter what kind of feeling more dreams, and in the positive phase of sleep wake up, feel less dream.In addition, many people can remember dreams in fast into the awakening, and just sleep dream would have vanished without a trace, this is also another reason people feel dream more or less.
Why does man have a dream, don't dream will react?Scientific workers made some blocking people dreaming of experiment.When sleepers appeared when the dreaming brain waves, immediately be awakened, don't let the dream to continue, so repeated, found that the dream of deprivation, will lead to a series of body physiological abnormalities, such as blood pressure, body temperature and pulse skin conductance response ability has increased trend, plant nerve system function weakened, at the same time also can cause people to a series of bad psychological reaction, such as anxiety, nervous irritability, perceptual illusion, memory disorders, disorientation, and so on.It is obvious that normally dream activity, is to ensure that the body's normal energy one of the important factors.Due to people in dreams in the right hemisphere activity predominates, while after awakening in the left cerebral hemisphere dominant, in the body's 24-hour circadian activity process, waking and dream appear alternately, can achieve neuromodulation and the dynamic balance of mental activities.Therefore, the dream is a way to coordinate balance of human mental world, especially to the person's attention, emotional and cognitive activities has the obvious effect.
Psychologists believe that people of smart has great potential, usually it only took less than a quarter, and three-quarters of the hidden in the unconscious, and the dream is a kind of typical unconscious activities, through dreaming can rearrange existing knowledge, the new and old knowledge reasonably fuses in together, and finally into remember million warehouse, make knowledge become your own wisdom and talents.Dreams can help you for creative thinking, many famous scientists and astronomers fruitful results, many also benefit from the dream of the enlightenment.
Someone has accomplished scholars to investigate, of the university of Cambridge, UK, results, 70% of the scholars think that their work has been inspired in dream.University of Geneva to 60 mathematicians have made similar investigation, there are 51 people acknowledged that many problems had answered in a dream.If a man does not dream, it could lead to heart and to some extent personality disorder, and even affect the play of thinking inspiration.
Dreamless sleep is not only the quality is not good;But is also a sign of brain damage or sick.Clinical doctors found that some patients with headache and dizziness, often complained of sleep is no longer a dream or dreams, rarely by diagnostic examination, confirmed these mild brain hemorrhage patients or with tumor.Medical observation showed that dementia children dream sleep significantly less than normal children of the same age, the old man of chronic brain syndrome, dream sleep significantly less than normal old people of the same age.
Recent research has also confirmed this point of view, namely, dreams are the brain regulation center balance of body functions as a result, the dream is the need of development and maintain normal brain health.If damaged brain center, can't form a dream, or just some mutilated fragments of a dream, if a dreamless sleep for a long time, it's worth the alert.Of course, if suffered nightmares for a long time, also is often weak or suffering from some diseases.

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