People can control the content of dreams

The dream is one of the biggest mysteries in the field of biology.For many years.This wonderful physiological phenomenon, has been full of mysterious color, not only ordinary people confused hard, is for the scientists shadow also exhibit a.By 1900, however, Austria renowned psychologist and psychiatrist sigmund Freud created the "dream" of research, make the scholars around the world began formally from the perspectives of psychology, physiology and medicine, explore the mechanism of dreaming.Can say every man had a dream experience, at the same time, can feel the content of the dream is so magical, often have strange combination and transformation of scene, suddenly people can fly up and down, step to run and move away the strange experience.Dream seems to be no causal law, also is not restricted by space-time, however everything JingJing affects the dreamer, experience is like the real, the emotion is so strong, in the dream did not feel ridiculous.So absurd dream contact if there is a real life?If you have a contact, whether humans can control before and after the sleep conditions to influence the content of dreams?A series of problems caused many scholars' widespread interest.

People can control the content of dreams? _ duke of zhou interprets

Earlier is engaged in research on this aspect, of the university of Chicago in clay terman lab door and wolpert two scholars.Initially they noticed that most of the first came to sleep laboratory of new subjects, in their dream story, often sleep lab this novel environment into the respective plot of a dream.Obviously, sleeping conditions change will be reflected in a dream.DE door and wolpert obtain revelation, and designed a series of interesting experiment.Experimental method is very simple, is to change the subjects sleep environment condition, it will get the corresponding reflection in the dream.The whole experiment is divided into three parts, use cold water shower first, followed by strong light, and then put the music, the results in the subjects' dreams report, only 42% water, 23% when it comes to light, 9% mentioned music, these data seems not very well.

In 1966, p.;Nano design too much method in the experiment.He asked the subjects to dry before bed 6 hours of physical labor, but the experimental results show that these people didn't appear in my dream the content of the manual labor.Milli accordingly put forward the "right" in the theory, he thought the waking life and dreams are complementary in the balance, such as much manual work during the day and in dream, of course, don't want to do.

It didn't take long, however, complementary "balance" theory in trouble.In 1968, a physiologist taub done with a complementary "balance" theory fails to explain the experiment.Taub subjects for two consecutive weeks rose-colored glasses, as a result, they all become the scene in the dream also rose, it obviously shows that waking feeling continue into the dream.However, if in accordance with the "right" theory, the dream of the scene should be complementary or colorless, but that is not the case.

Many of these experimental results, scholars have made the same number of), to explain, but one thing seems to have tend to be more clear, namely waking environment encountered some special change, in dreams will increase new content related to this.Focus of the question now is, however, how to exactly grasp the connection between environmental stimuli, and the content of dreams, only do this step, is likely to achieve control of the idea of a dream.

Psychoanalysis theory, the role of the dream has been dreaming is in order to satisfy the desire, as long as the wishes satisfied when awake, the dream will not appear on the aspects of content.In 1974.DE door carefully selected a participant's experiment.The subjects' strong desire is that you want to eat banana cream pie, when he sleep fast into the dream stage (quickly move from), will he wake up three times, and each time for him to eat a piece of pie.The fourth awakened when he said: "I'm drinking coffee and smoking (usually him every time after dinner drink coffee and smoke)."Fifth calls when he said: "on the table to me on a disk, I put it to reverse the trash can."Sixth wake up, he said: "Dr DE door, I dreamed that I was to take pie in your feed."The experimental results show that meet the pies wishes can't stop dreaming, but the dream will become the theme of the unwilling to eat.

Later, word came from two American scientists at the sweet gold and lewis used to measure the content of the dream way to stimulate the realistic environment.They used the stimulus is four movies, one isA pregnant womanIs the production process;Is a primitive tribal people with sharp stone cutting of the juvenile male penis foreskin;A tear is a small monkey mother monkey will die after eating;There the scenery is safe.Results according to the report shows that of the content of the first three films are more into the dream, and plain scenery piece is not at all.The above experiment shows that seem to be a problem, in real life a strong stimulation, the stimulation is more likely to appear in the dream, the claims by many scholars agree with you.

About the question of whether people can control the dream content, so far to make answer is just;Sleep before and after the stimulation is likely to be into the dream.But involved in various physiological mechanisms related to this and its regularity, because too many changes, it is difficult to standardization.Engaged in this field of research of scholars feel, by controlling the sleep conditions to influence dream content before and after the experiment is very complex and difficult.Just as American psychologist cartwright says: "if very dry mouth before falling asleep, some people would dream of the ocean, someone will dream of desert, it can also be dreamed that no one can understand, but are associated with dry mouth some kind of emotional state."So the first thing we need to have a more accurate measure of dream content method, and then you can understand the meaning of dreams, eventually achieve the goal of controlling dreams.

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