Dream of pregnant women suffer from insomnia how to do pregnant women insomnia how to do

Insomnia how to do a pregnant woman pregnant women suffer from insomnia how is what mean?Dream insomnia how to do a pregnant woman pregnant women insomnia how ok or not?Insomnia how to do a pregnant woman pregnant women suffer from insomnia how have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official websitePregnant women) small make up to help you organize insomnia how to do the pregnant women insomnia makes a detailed solution go ahead.

A pregnant womanInsomnia how to do pregnant women insomnia how to do

Pregnant women suffer from insomnia?This is a let a person is very headache, insomnia, this is also a very common problem, cause of there are also many.And pregnant women insomnia how to do?This not only affect the health of the pregnant women themselves, but also is bound to lead to the development of the baby's normal, so pregnant women must be comprehensive as early as possible to solve the problem as soon as possible

Insomnia how to do a pregnant woman pregnant women insomnia how to do

Listen to the music

This is a good way of relieving stress, calm down and enjoy music, this approach is very effective.At the same time also can have the effect of prenatal education, this is a good way to kill two birds with one stone, stable state of mind, so you can have a good way to ease sleep disorders.

Diet control

pregnancyPregnant women are always very good appetite, see the delicious food is always eat a lot, actually this is also a problem cause insomnia.Excessive intake of food, it will affect the function of intestines and stomach, the body uncomfortable, natural sleep problems too.

Emotion transfer

Because of the pregnancy, many pregnant women banished all the carefully in the baby's body, especially for the first time pregnant women heart under a lot of pressure, because too much tense and directly lead to insomnia.

Learn to release pressure

Anxious mood is one of the largest root cause insomnia, before going to bed at night should be clear in mind, memory, for should learn forget unhappy things, if you meet any unhappy things, so be sure to find someone, such party times feeling is relaxed, so as not to have the pressure of the insomnia.

Create a good environment for sleep

To create a good sleep environment that is is the key, the principle of comfortable, elegant, make women feel this is a very warm place, beautiful environment, that may make the mood of expectant mothers feel more comfortable.

Arrange regular life

Many people have the wrong thought that pregnant women should enjoy the privileges, it also have to adhere to the principle of life science, appliances have to abide by the principle of healthy life, form the habit of show up on time and rest, to establish a natural biological clock, to avoid the problem of more sleep.

Watching TV help hypnosis

Before going to bed we will choose to watch television to kill time, because a lot of people feel is boring TV will make us feel depressed, very want to sleep.

Sleep and pregnant women should pay attention to the following:

1, pregnant women don't fall sleep.If you have to sleep,The quiltWill gradually reduce the oxygen, carbon dioxide, can make the oxygen to brain cells, is dizzy.

2, pregnant women and reasonable sleeping posture is on your left side.Because the left side of the abdomen consists of sigmoid colon, enlarged uterus right turning in different degrees.If you lie on your back, enlarged uterus oppression abdominal aorta, reduce uterine artery pressure, not only affects the blood supply of uterine and fetus, the inferior vena arteries, veins and increase pressure, lead to the perineum varicose veins and lower limb swelling.The left side, can alleviate the pressure of the abdominal aorta, both improve pregnant women heart, lung, liver and kidney and blood flow, and ensure the blood perfusion of the placenta and fetal blood supply.

3, a surviving spouse with athlete's foot, sleep should wear clean socks.In order to avoid pollution bedding, and through bedding pollution chest, neck and other parts.

4, clear the toxic substances on the mattress.When sleeping sweat evaporation of adsorbed on the bedding, a variety of waste makes bedding moisture agglutination.According to measurement: human breath gas contains not less than 25 kinds of toxic substances.Therefore, fold the note was out.

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