The reason and treatment of insomnia

The reason and treatment of insomnia

Insomnia, what are the causes

We will appear because of how insomnia?Believe that many people have tried insomnia pain, therefore, we need to find out the insomnia tableland, then completes the relative prevention and nursing work, let oneself can have a good night's sleep.

The reason and treatment of insomnia

A, uncomfortable sleeping position

Most experts advise,A pregnant womaninpregnancyTake the left side of the best sleep late, in order to avoid oppression to the abdomen vein, uterus and fetus lead to poor blood flow, make back in the vein of the heart blood is insufficient, so that the blood pressure is not enough, and affect the health of the mother and baby.However, not all pregnant women can be used to sleeping on the left side, therefore, to prevent sleep bad, had better be in early pregnancy began to let oneself habit.Pregnant women suffer from insomnia, against itself and fetus.So pregnant women should be pregnancy care, prevention of insomnia.For insomnia phenomenon seriously pregnant women should also be timely treatment.

Second, the sleep time is not enough

Lead to pregnant women insomnia tableland for pregnant women and sleep time is not enough, in general, each person has different sleep requirements, but still in 6 ~ 8 hours as a benchmark.Experts stressed that the hormones that pregnant women, combined with the body and with the baby, is bound to increase the load a lot of physical strength, so must be tired more easily than before pregnancy, the sleep requirements will be higher;Combined with the modern pregnant women in the majority with professional women, work busy during the day, night still need to deal with household chores, sleep time is more short.

Third, urinary frequency

In early pregnancy, the body will secrete high lutein, pregnant women often have frequent urination phenomenon.And later, also can cause urinary frequency due to the uterus oppression to the bladder.According to statistics, about ratio of nearly 50% of pregnant women in early pregnancy will be bitter, by this problem and in late pregnancy, pregnant women are more than 8 into will often run day and nightThe toiletInsomnia, but also lead to pregnant women tableland.

Actually there are many kinds of cause of insomnia, everybody to pay more attention to their own habits in our daily life, the help you can away from insomnia.

What is the cause of insomnia

Many people have experienced almost insomnia, also know the pain of insomnia, that is how to protect the allegedly caused insomnia this kind of situation we?Let us together to know about the tableland, related with small make up to look at the introduction of this paper

The cause of insomnia:

1, some people have bad good habits in life, for example, before going to bed like tea, coffee, smoking, etc.Others is because the reason circadian rhythm disorders such as work and recreational sex insomnia.

2, psychological and spiritual factors can cause insomnia.Psychological factors such as anxiety, irritability, or depressed, the mood is not good, etc., are all important tableland for cause insomnia.Life hit, the pressure from work and study, and the change of social environment and attempted will make the person produces psychological and physiological reaction, lead to the dysfunction of the nervous system, causing brain dysfunction, and cause insomnia.

3, emotional factors can cause insomnia.Emotion can cause changes in the state of mind, this change will be particularly when the mood swings, it can be caused by some emergencies, such as special wedding or special sad, angry, etc all can cause insomnia.

Srain brain 4, cause insomnia, mental workers long-term excessive brain, neural long-term is in nervous condition, excited substance released by the brain too much, time, inevitably to the whole body damage, insomnia, neurasthenia, are the most common.Brain functions like elastic, not loose, only slowly lose flexibility.

Insomnia tableland for is to introduce you to the content of the above, friends can do a good job in related prevention to avoid suffering from insomnia.

What is insomnia?

Whether difficulty falling asleep (to go to bed after 30 minutes still cannot fall asleep), sleep lightly, or wake up early, and wake up with fatigue, the mind is not clear phenomenon, discomfort, headache, dizziness and sustained for a long time, especially influence of school and work, can be diagnosed with insomnia.

At present, insomnia has gradually developed into a kind of Hong Kong "epidemic".According to the 2002 global sleep survey in China, according to the number of sleep problems was as high as 42.7%.At present, insomnia has become a neurologist after headache clinics in China's second big disease.

The cause of insomnia and classification

To distinguish as symptoms, insomnia can be classified as difficulty falling asleep, can't continue to sleep and wake up 3 kinds.If press time to calculate the continuation of insomnia, it can be divided into transient insomnia (less than a week), short-term insomnia (one weeks to a month) and chronic insomnia (longer than a month).In addition, you can press tableland for distinguish from insomnia reason insomnia, psychogenic insomnia insomnia, pathological and drug problems, etc.

Physical diseases (such as asthma, joint pain, sleep without obstacles), environmental factors (light, noise, room temperature) and the time difference, can cause the body or physiology sex insomnia.Anxiety, school and work, and the death of a loved one, a breakdown, depression, etc., and psychogenic insomnia and pathology sex insomnia.Certain drugs such as diet pills benzedrine, can cause central nervous excitement and cause insomnia.Long-term use of sleeping pills, quit once put it, also can appear more sleep becomes shallow, a nightmare and withdrawal symptoms.Some even because of high expectations of sleep, think that as long as you have a good sleep then all ills not assault, not sleep well the body can go wrong, and increased pressure on sleep, also can easily cause insomnia.

According to some insomnia, research shows that high self, life is too strict, taciturn, emotional, or have a strong sense of inferiority, are easy to suffer from insomnia.On the other hand, breadth of mind open-minded, cheerful, not demanding others and their own people, will be less of a chance of getting insomnia.

Although found in the experiment of mice, deprived of sleep more than 6 days, mice or showing symptoms of ataxia, along with the longer duration of sleep deprivation, brain wave voltage decline or disappear, and even death;But in one experiment, sleep deprivation experiment results show that even if long time don't sleep (more than ten days) will not be fatal;Because even when people are not allowed to sleep under the mandatory, the brain will betray the consciousness of people secretly in sleep.But don't sleep for long time, can make the person extreme fatigue, mental and physical weaknesses, become irritable, anxious restlessness, memory Tui reduction and can't concentrate, etc., so the biggest impact is in the aspect of spirit, serious still can cause schizophrenia.

Although insomnia to the person's biggest impact is always in the aspect of spirit, but lack of sleep over a long period of time, can reduce the body's immune ability;For children, will also reduce the secretion of growth hormone, is not conducive to the growth and development of the body.

The treatment of insomnia

Insomnia the main therapy including medication and psychological therapy and behavior therapy.

In terms of drug therapies, small doses, short time using sleeping pills is one of the important means.But the side effects of sleeping pills are still much less dependency or addiction exist, so use must strictly follow the guidance of the staff, must not attempt to use or abuse.Pregnant women, are still nursing mother, patients with heart disease, liver or kidney dysfunction, not take sleeping pills.In addition, drunk nor take sleeping pills, because both have to inhibit the action of the central nervous system, if the central nervous system by excessive suppression, could suffer.

In addition to drug therapy, the so-called better who tied the bell on the, heart always need heart medicine to cure.If there is something wrong with the body and cause insomnia (such as asthma, fever), as long as the wrong with good governance, the symptoms of insomnia nature will also be in addition to disappear.If insomnia is a major cause of lead to mood, neurasthenia, depression, etc, are necessary to find experts in the field, such as psychological doctor to help, to make the appropriate therapy, to thoroughly solve the potential problems.

Also popular western countries adopted behavior therapy (e.g., stimulus control therapy, sleep restriction therapy, etc.) to treat insomnia.The main means of these behavioral therapy is inseparable from the:

In addition to sleep, can not lie on the bed or stay in the bedroom.

Do not read in bed, reading newspapers, watching TV or listening to the radio, and music.

Lying in bed for 30 minutes failed to fall asleep, you must get up, and leave the bedroom, stay real sleep when to go to bed to sleep again.

No matter how, that night of sleep quality will show up on time every day.

Do not go to bed (especially in patients with insomnia) during the day.

In addition, any help relax method, such as gradual relaxation and listening to light music, can promote sleep.


High quality of sleep can make people energetic, be able to back to work, but also can promote health, so you have to develop good sleep habits, including:

Time to go to bed, get up and do not stay in bed.

After supper do not drink coffee, tea, or alcoholic drinks, more do not smoke.

Bedtime is not too hungry or too full.If you feel hungry, also can only eat a little bit of cookie, drink a glass of milk.

Choose appropriate bedding, create good morpheus environment (temperature is appropriate, to avoid glare and noise).

Every day for just the right amount of exercise during the day.

Not the negative impact of excessive anxiety insomnia, lest for sleep.

If you go to bed for a period of time (30 minutes) failed to fall asleep, immediately got up and left the bedroom, stay real sleep when go to bed to sleep again.

In short, easy to fall asleep, avoid the brain is in a state of euphoria.Even insomnia, don't be too nervous, because the more nervous, more think to want to sleep, the excitement, the brain is also the more difficult it is to fall asleep.

The causes and treatment of insomnia related content

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