Master nan talk about insomnia

Master nan teacher tells: to cure insomnia heart kidney not pay tips

Fire and water is sympathetic to candy from hand over, water kangua, fire is away from the hexagrams,The purity of water, dry inflammation is to fire.On the human body, water is belong to the kidney, fire is the core.So Chinese medical books, old people sleep less, because the heart kidney is not handed in.babyBorn probably sleep 16 hours, slowly into twelve, children always ten hours, at least eight or nine hours of sleep.The older the less sleep, the old can not sleep.

We often speak, old have a few opposite phenomenon: cry without tears, laugh tears came out.Now tell he soon forgot, what things will remember as a child;Went to bed sitting, lying down can't sleep.Old a lot of strange things, all of them instead.

Master nan talk about insomnia

Medicine, heart kidney not be not handed in.Taoism is a way, regardless of the old, middle-aged, or young, insomnia, the body curl up to sleep, become a baby, purse up to two feet, hands up, also easy to fall asleep, it was barely make heart kidney gas exchange."Pay" is up and turned on the electricity, so I can sleep.

Elderly sentiment to go below, so many fart, gas leakage.God to run above, under the gas to go, so old prostate is also easy to go wrong, e urine answer drops a little, is not a straight line to rush out earlier, it is also because heart kidney don't pay, fire and water to be not moved.Heart kidney is not handed in gas, because the spirit of upper and lower back.So when he was a dying, above and below and also fart wears together, for a moment is finished, release the up and down.

So our Numbers is also called the "eight diagrams", linked to each other with each other.Our body and two gas, in a healthy body, the fire, the water in the mind is calm.

Master nan talk about sleep health: how to less sleep not sleepy?

South huai would like: according to medical observation, experience and I a person really sleep sleep only up to two hours, the rest are a waste of time, lying on the pillow to dream.Is that your bed formed the habit of lying on the pillow to rest, not we need so long time of sleep, especially meditation do people know kung fu, just close your eyes really sleep for three minutes at noon, is equal to two hours sleep, but for good noon time.In this time of learning and big, with the laws of the laws of the universe, the earth,The I chingYin and Yang of truth, and you will feel, heart just below there came down a force, and demonstrated the power of (kidney), the so-called "fire and water both economic", suddenly, that you sleep enough, spirit one hundred times.So insomnia or people who truly want to stay up late at night, is son of the moment, even if twenty minutes also must sleep, can't sleep also want to train yourself to sleep.Is the house after about half past twelve, you don't want to sleep, this is very bad.More serious, in the dawn, four, five, five, six MaoShi, you sleepy want to sleep again, if a sleep at this moment, a day will be confused.So I want to work in the stay up late at night, is my house, even if there is a big thing to also want to put down, sleep it half an hour, the MaoShi want to don't sleep, spirit of the day is enough.A alignment, sleep when the rules of the warring states period famous doctor wen zhi wei wang said: "I am the way put to sleep in the first place, people and animals grow only to sleep, sleep help spleen and stomach to digest food, so, so sleep is the first of its kind in the keeping in good health, sleep a night without sleep, also difficult to restore the loss of one hundred day."On the evening of 21 points to 5 o 'clock in the morning for effective sleep time.People are animals, and plants with belongs to biological, during the day (5 o 'clock in the morning to night 21 points) activity to produce energy, night (21 PM to 5 am) to begin cell division, the energy is converted into the new cells, is the time for human cells to recuperate, innovation, and people with the earth turning to the side away from the sun.Main static Yin, people sleep time, at this time to rest, just can have good physical and mental state.This and sleep more babies grow fat, grow faster, and noisy children dysplasia is the same reason.Keeping in good health is to use a lot of healthy cells to replace the corruption, like night can't sleep can't change the new cells.If die one million cells during the day, a night repair back only five hundred thousand cells, your body will appear deficit at this moment, after a long time, people are chaff, like chaff radish.Why there are centenarians in the world?Because they go to bed at 21 o 'clock on time every night.Plants absorb the sun's energy, growth at night, so at night in the countryside of crops can hear the sound of the jointing stage.Humans and plants both belong to the biological and cell division of roughly the same time, missed the night sleeping of time, cells of newborn didn't die, people would be premature aging or diseased, people want to let nature take its course, you should follow the sun, the day wake me up, day sleep I sleep.Small as dust before the sun, "and the sun to dry" is stupid choice, sooner or later by the sun's huge gravitational push down.This is the objective truth.Poor sleep is a comprehensive problem, such as fire overdose, sleeping alert;Excess stomach fire, to sleep;Liver Yin deficiency, hard to sleep.Second, sleep and disease of modern living habits and way of life to people's physical bring about many negative impacts form the "four major" : fruit diseases, freezer, television, computer disease, stay up late.The liver has a characteristic: lie, h., sit to supply of blood.House (23:00-1:00), 23 point is the beginning of a new day, actually is not zero, this is our deterrent.23 points bile through open, if don't sleep, big injury bile, systemic viscera function drops, generation Xie Li, immunity decline in succession, the human body function is greatly reduced, was susceptible to a variety of mental illness, such as depression, schizophrenia, obsessive compulsive disorder, restless, and so on.Bravery by the increasingly prosperous people if you don't lie, replace bad, bile is too thick and crystallization into stone, time for a quick gallstones, if give picked the bile, a removable timidity, the whole body immunity declined by more than 50%, so can't pick, to the huge potential of the system with it to melt it.ChouShi liver meridian of the most popular, ChouShi (1:00-3:00) sleepless, liver to lift it up toxic, produce new blood, for hiding bad blood, like cyan, time was susceptible to various types of liver disease.Diseases with ease, irritability, headache dizziness, eye red eye pain, tinnitus, deafness, female menstruation to be not moved, people will eyes tiredly exhausted god, lumbar debility, spirit trance, or will faint in the streets.Don't sleep for a house, can cause liver blood deficiency, cause vomiting blood,Flow nosebleedCreate fact, bleeding gums, etc.There will be blurred vision, presbyopic photophobia, the symptom such as the wind tears, also can form eye diseases such as glaucoma, cataract.There will be muscle pain numb, flexion and difficulty, twitching, easy to cause this, calcium deficiency, patella softening, epilepsy, osteoporosis, etc.Also can cause heart problems, cause heart palpitate, fibrillation wait for a symptom, serious formation of cardiovascular disease such as heart disease, high blood pressure.Due to move too can't help the spleen and stomach digestion, make the person taste bad digestion, characterized by thick tongue coating, for a long time can cause collapse of the gas.Liver deficiency leads to kidney failure, easy to cause the reproductive system disease.Hepatitis B virus carriers, it is because often don't sleep at night, people is too weak, that is to say order is too messy, the virus into the cell.That is hepatitis B virus into the cell.When human body is at its weakest when they formed into hepatitis, hepatitis B means 40% - 60% of cirrhosis of the liver in the future.A wise man should know heaven, earth, the relationship between the people!Three, the approach of sleep 23 PM to 3 am for child ChouShi, biliary liver via one of the most active time, courage to h., "lie down h., stand up blood.If you lay down every night around 22 o 'clock, don't speak, quietly to 23 points, also fell asleep.Courage to h., filter out the toxic blood, fresh blood, to the one hundred - year - old no gallstones, also does not have hepatitis, cyst of the disease.If you stay up late every day to more than 1 point, liver to blood, poisonous blood not to drop, fresh blood of life, bravery and can't in bile, so these people are likely to have gallstones, cyst, big 3 this world, small 3 this world various disorders.Half an hour before sleeping is best not to talk, talk a lung, heart sutra then move, people would be easy to enter a state of excitement, so it is difficult to fall asleep.At 21:00 - for HaiShi 23:00.HaiShi through the flourishing, the sanjiao (triple energizer) is through the veins.HaiShi sleep, lotaustralin all have to moisten, centenarians have common characteristics namely at 21:00 (HaiShi) before sleep.If women want to for a long time to keep face with, should be early to bed and early to rise.

To close the Windows to sleep, can't open fan, air conditioning, a lot of people sick all about this, because the person is in morpheus, slow circulation of qi and blood, body temperature drops, the body form a sun be the spirit layer at the surface, it makes the sun be the spirit layer called "ghost don't abuse", what do you mean, sun be the spirit of man, don't do nightmare, is the sun be the spirit, has the upper hand.Open air conditioning, open fan, is not the case, open the window, the window is the wind, the wind into the reinforcement, if the open air conditioning, also has the wind, the wind into the muscle, cold, up in the morning, the body yellow, yellow face, neck behind the bar and hard, joints ache, some even began to fever, this is the wind and cold intrusion into the tendons and bones, which is injured.If hot, open the door, close the Windows, the effect is a little difference, but he is not the second day morning fatigue, stiff back.

So, try to sleep early to bed and slept late, less hurt Yang qi, inevitably on the second day is tired, want to close the window, not open air conditioning, electric fan, protect the sun be the spirit.

If the stomach problems, lay there will be a sleep.If the person gastric Yang are already in short supply, too much to drink green tea, can appear cold stomach, the stomach is cold when people sleep, or eat any thing with the sediment of overmuch, stomach was a cold, affirmation is to sleep;Another is gastric heat, mouth breath is hot, like this kind of circumstance also sleep well;Another is gastric dry, thirsty, feel dry in the stomach;There is also a stomach is thick, someone to eat seafood,Eat fishGood, eat stewed chicken, taste delicious, delicious is multi-purpose, don't dilute it, also sleep well;Another abdominal swelling, can't sleep, toss and turn can't sleep;Another is the stomach gas too, a cold sweat, this also sleep well.

Sleep to limb warm, is because the limbs of the Yang, limbs do not warm, affirmation is the kidney Yang deficiency, should go to bed in the hands and feet before wu, hands and feet and navel, the curse will be behind the cover is good.

Sleep method is different from person to person, here are three kinds of practice: 1, simple leg press before you go to sleep, then nature dish sitting in bed, natural breath, feel whole body pores with breathing a match, if you can shed tears yawning effect is best, to want to went to sleep and fell asleep.2, lie on your back, natural breath, feel the breath like spring breeze, melt the big toe, and then the other toes, feet, legs, thighs gradually melting.If not awake, again from the beginning.3, people fall asleep faster to right side, right hand supporting the right ear.Right palm for fire, ear for water, formation water namely, both formed in the human body heart kidney intersect.Time, yangxin zi kidney.

Sleep have to get up early, even in winter, nor more than 6 a.m., spring, summer, autumn to get up before five o 'clock as far as possible, because the person is in YinShi (3-5 points, lung after waking up, when he can make the lung qi to stretch, to comply with the sun be the spirit of shu long, to complete the metabolism, the descending turbidity qi, lung qi, this helps to keep the lungs and conform to the day of the sun potential rising sun be the spirit in human body, make the person a day sun be the spirit is enough, otherwise, as if the engine, after this period of good time sun be the spirit is hard to launch the human body, human body sun be the spirit deposition in the lower part of the body was not the way a rising up, will form the Yin qi, serious damage to people's physical and mental health.

5 to 7 o 'clock in the morning is e. through the human body is the most flourishing, metabolism of human body need to turn the mucus out of the body, if you don't get up right now, can not make full activities, e. cannot very good complete exhaust polluted function, make mucus to form a poison, harm human body blood and viscera of the skeleton.

Morning 7 PM to 9 PM stomach by the human body is the most flourishing, 9 to 11 o 'clock spleen by the human body is the most prosperous, the people of the digestion, absorption, transport and the ability of the best, if you don't get up at this time also, human gastric acid can lead to serious corrosion of gastric mucosa, the human body in the best time to absorb nutrients not nutrition, for a long time of spleen and stomach disease, caused by malnutrition, collapse of the gas.So, don't stay in bed!Sleep can cause dizziness, fatigue, lack of sleep, but you should get up on time.Can increase working efficiency and get up early, as the saying goes: "three days to get up early, and a day".Modern medical certificate, early to bed and early to rise makes people mental pressure is small, not easy to suffer from mental illness.Don't work out too early in the morning, because in the morning before the sun came out, being get gas, polluted air is go up (especially the city), the gas to the human body injury is very serious.

Raise three events, a sleep, two convenient, three meals, the daily life, clothing and so on all is auxiliary.Three things sleep first.But don't appetite, night sleep uneasy, so convenient to pass for the second.And no of diet, excessive hunger, intestines and stomach will be wounded, and YingYangRi decreases.Sleep is given priority to with nerves, god is given priority to with peace, should cooperate with age, mature up to seven hours to eight hours, sleep more giddy dizziness jealous bilges, limb weakness, childhood will sleep eight hours, or for nine hours don't matter, the old or the patient up to six hours is enough.

Should be paid attention to:

(a) the appropriate sleep early, don't too, the elderly do not have nine o 'clock.Every fall, for the sun, belongs to the kidney, insomnia, kidney water will lose, heart kidney is linked together, water deficit is the fire, the most frustrating.Do not to sleeping pills to help sleep.

(2) pillow of avoid by all means thinking about the next thing, sleep of place all don't think, beholden to make, oneself listen to the spirit, by the thick and thin, by the fine and subtle and interest rates.Depending on the body as nothing, or such as sugar into the water, go up in smoke, natural sleep.

(3) if you have any ideas, can't AnZhu, do not turn on the pillow lateral thinking, the most HaoShen, can sit up for a sleep.

(4) as in the noon, that is, from 11:00 to point, for the Yin students, belongs to the heart, at this time, if can't sleep, can sit for a quarter of an hour, repose, is really strong.Every cut heart disease should pay attention to, daily 2 in this note, the strength, strong, no heartbeat diarrhea or pee frequency speed of the disease.

(5) up appropriate early summer, the winter should be late

How can you less sleep not sleepy

Why can't sleep too much?Because when we need sleep, also is the resting state, that is you from sleep to wake up this is your requirements for a period of time.When we wake up, you this requirement has been satisfied, it have a rest.Go to sleep, that is, dreaming, thinking, country, fly and run again wake up of time, it is particularly tired, as a result of the movement of the brain already active, no longer rest, sometimes even than during the day also tired.So, you sleep, waking up together.

In fact we sleep four hours is enough to use, why still sleepy?Is our habits is stuck, not our bodies need.Sleep more, much dream, fatigue, the harm is very big.More sleep and a harm, bad to the body, oppression of the kidney, to insides have a phenomenon of oppression, will lead to relaxation and rigid body various aspects, muscle relaxation, joint rigidity, it is harmful.If you don't believe, you will have a try, you have to lie a five months, six months, don't move, in the end, the original before you didn't lie, you walk for 20 miles and miles and miles is no problem, waiting for you to lay half a year later, you can't even walk three mile five miles.Because of what?Is flabby, no strength, rigid joints, cannot move, not opened and exhale also weak, more bad mood.You really sleep less, and it not sleepy.More sleep without wisdom, head falling asleep.Some people may worry about: I sleep less, mind confused, sometimes can't remember things.Is that this side could not remember things, but after you sleep less and efforts, it has the wisdom, wisdom is born from the heart slowly.Do you want to have a thing well done, you sleep a lot, you are not doing things well;If you can reduce the sleep, sometimes you want to achieve, without difficulty in mature.

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