Dream of how to treat insomnia food therapy dietotherapy treat insomnia

How to treat insomnia food therapy diet therapy is what mean?Dream insomnia how to diet food therapy treatment is good?Insomnia how to diet food therapy treatment with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the food therapy in the treatment of insomnia how dietotherapy treat the detailed solution.

How to treat insomnia food therapy dietotherapy treat insomnia

Modern medical proof, diet is the best cure for insomnia, is better than a sleeping pill, no side effects.Here are several for trial:

(1) a tablespoon of vinegar, pour into a glass of cold water to drink, can sleep sleep and sleep soundly.

How to treat insomnia food therapy dietotherapy treat insomnia

(2) often suffer from insomnia, lotus seed, longan, lily with husked sorghum, millet congee, have a sleep.

(3) hemopenia insomnia can secret lotus root starch, or with a small simmer add honey right amount to eat lotus root;Also available longan meat 10 g, red jujube 5 to go nuclear, steamedeggsAn edible, once a day.

(4) guilty, sweating, insomnia, with pig heart a incision, 5 g of mount dangshen, Chinese angelica, with steamed, to medicine, eat pig heart and drink soup, have a good effect.

(5) caused by high blood pressure and insomnia, with banana 50 g, pig lean pork 100 g, boil, hypnotic sleep.

(6) the patient of insomnia, palpitation embarrassed take 50 g plantain root, pig lean pork 100 g, boil, hypnotic sleep.

(7) neurasthenia patients with insomnia, desirable lettuce a tablespoon, serum soluble in a glass of water.Because the milky juice with functions of tranquilize mind, so there is a certain hypnotic effect.

(8) before bed to eat an apple.Or on the bedside table with a citrus peel skin or cut, let the sleepless smell its aroma absorption, can calm the central nervous, help sleep.

A womanWhat are the treatment of insomnia

And what are the treatment of insomnia for women. Women want to eliminate insomnia, must first understand what is causing the insomnia, reason, insomnia, self-healing, if because of infections caused by insomnia, must treat diseases;If it is psychological, weak lead to insomnia, is addressed by diet is best.

In yangxin duck women insomnia

Raw material: old duck, lotus seed, lily, day lily, each 30 g glutinous rice, red jujube 10, xianggu mushroom, radix ophiopogonis, radix pseudostellariae 10 g each,grapesWine, ginger, Onions, salt, chicken essence in moderation.


(1) after old duck slaughtering unhairing, incision from anus/door, take out internal organs, to wash the duck drain well.

(2) glutinous rice to wash clean, soak for two hours. Set aside.

(3) the lotus seed, lily, day lily, red jujube, xianggu mushroom, radix ophiopogonis, radix pseudostellariae, and refined salt, chicken essence, after wine stir well, from the duck incision into the duck's belly, add green onion, knot, ginger slice, small incisions.

(4) on the steamer, the steamed duck to crisp rotten.

Sweet yangxin duck cure insomnia and principle

Ducks ziyin yangxue, oneself benefit stomach, lotus seed tonifying spleen antidiarrheal, kidney is fine, yangxin nerves, brain runfei, clear heat, lily have ziyin runfei cough, advised effect of yangxin nerves, dwarf lilyturf Yin runfei, benefit stomach fluid, the mind except vexed, red jujube and blood nerves, spleen and stomach, tonify deficiency yiqi, radix pseudostellariae tonifying qi nerves, glutinous rice taste, profit lung qi, warming five zang-organs, strong body, mushroom and good strength, strong body, disease resistance, day lily damp and hot, good mind, diuresis and eyesight.The dish yangxin anshen and promote sleep, suitable for two virtual lungs, the stomach enrages disaccord caused sleep wake up late.

Dietotherapy method for the treatment of insomnia

Night already deep, can you still tossing and turning in bed, with a number of sheep;Day not bright, but you have to wake up early, difficult to fall asleep again...Insomnia, make a lot of people.In view of traditional Chinese medicine, sleep can regulate by diet, health, diet is also different.

Lily lotus porridge: dried lily, lotus seed (with core, soaked in water), rock candy each 30 grams, 100 grams of rice.Dried lily, japonica rice, put in the pot boiled lotus seeds, fast when add in rock sugar.The porridge heat Yin, runfei nerves, suitable for insomnia, much dream with heart strong, anxiety, irritability is edible.

Zizyphus jujube benevolence, congee: at the end of zizyphus jujube kernel 15 grams, 100 grams of japonica rice.To japonica rice cooked, then at the end of next zizyphus jujube benevolence cook for 5 minutes.Have the function of the yangxin, calming nerves stop sweat, suitable for insomnia, much dream, heart palpitations, upset, body sweat is edible.

Gansu wheat jujube lotus root soup: lotus root 250 grams, 75 grams, wheat licorice 12 grams, red jujube 5, 3 g of salt.Clean the wheat, bubble water 1 hour;Red jujube maceration, go nuclear.Wheat, liquorice, red jujube water to a boil, add lotus root small soft fire boil, finally add salt to taste.This soup is good for qi and blood, calming nerves sedative effect, especially suitable for color of insomnia.

Fresh mulberry mulberry water: 60 grams, add water to boil again small fire decoction after 10 minutes, 1 hour before going to bed every night.Mulberries gan, sexual cold, with liver kidney, sedative puzzle, blood and nourish Yin, thirst quenching, runchang purge, bright and fresh, weigh, role, especially suitable for insomnia with constipation, anemia, hair loss, be prematurely grey, tinnitus is edible.

Chestnut red braised chicken: chicken 1 only, wash, cut, along with 20 to shell chestnut, 20 pieces of red jujube, together into the sand pot add water, gently cooked chicken stew to thoroughly.This has the effect of fill for spleen benefit stomach and kidney essence, suitable for weak spleen and stomach, qi and blood deficiency caused by insomnia, much dream, with loss of appetite, weakness of limbs, waist and knee pain and woman menstruation to be not moved.

Millet red jujube congee: millet 60 grams, jujube 6 to go nuclear, 30 grams of honey.After the millet, jujube cooked porridge, porridge into a honey eat before sleeping.The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine thinks, function of spleen and stomach is bad, sleep quality is poor.Millet, red jujube can adjust spleen and stomach, suitable to taste out of insomnia.

Jujube gump mai shu xin tea: jujube 12, 30 grams of wheat, liquorice, flos albiziae 9 grams, 6 grams add water to boil with small fire boil for 5 minutes.After cooling to honey, daily 1 agent, generation of tea.This tea is good to the spleen, calming nerves sedative effect, very suitable for patients with climacteric syndrome.

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