Pigs why don't you get married

Why don't pigs get married _ zodiac

Some people even went into left male left female industries, still don't want toTo get married, may be the cause of the one-child, accustomed to a person's life, or there are other reasons, then the pigs why don't you get married?

Zodiac pig why not get married: parents dragged down

Only child's marriage always has the attention of parents and family, my parents not suggesting this is suggested that, out of the child's marriage more important than his own marriage, object to the child's marriage many fussy, make people can't stand it.

Strict family always leads to their children marry older, and finally choose to his family of the person you like don't choose their favorite people, marriage is not harmonious, don't look love, oneself also is like people drinking water.

So proposalIs a pigPeople don't drag their children, parents can give more tolerant to more inclusive, other things is better not to participate in.

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