Of the English name

Of the English name

Is a pigOf the five elements of the water, the pig is the most species of animals, so in the name with a "m", "beans", "grain" and other words or radical, is in the sense of the luck to eat STH delicious, good fortune, good fortune, antai enjoyment in life.Or "grass" and grass character of the word, is handsome beauty, heavy letter's person, will succeed.

Geely name _ zodiac of pigs

Zodiac pig named appropriate words

(1) the pig man xi "宀", "冖", "people", "door" glyph, seems to have the feeling of home, by raising pigs eating.Such as: word, home, song, Ann, macro, appropriate, home, and rich.

(2) of the pig have a "field" glyph, on behalf of the pig in the field have edible grain, free.Such as: field, armour, left, and when the domain.

(3) is a pig people have names like "bean", "grain", "m", the "root of grass", because the pig's favorite food for "bean cake and rice grains, eat turn sour water is a necessity.So have bean glyph names, are available to the pig of abundant feeling and satisfaction, have and your life.Such as: Jeremy, liang, show, grain, the qin dynasty, chrysanthemum, Sue.

(4) the pig man should have a "mouth" glyph, because in general people are of the opinion that is love to eat animals, with food of desire, therefore has the mouth have food.But don't like big pig small cave, it should be cautious.Such as: and, or,, shang and zhou is good.

(5) of the pig has its trine zigzag, pig is "hai", and "not" hai bases for triad.Bases for rabbit, not for the sheep.Have bases such as name and not the root of it can go a long way, lifetime magnate to help more, a good wife son filial piety.

(6) the pig man xi "wood", "month", because of wood belongs to the east, the east), rabbit and gived the bases for triad;Pigs under a tree at the same time, also can get a short rest.Such as: Lin, sen, elm, cassia, soft, parker.

(7) of the pig have a "gold" word by word, for pig is "hai" water;And gold to water, so the people of the golden pig to the xiao is helping.Such as fluid, inscription, jun, town, sharp, front, clock.

(8) of the pig should have three with a pig will zigzag, hai son ugly for three will, so the birth control pill "child" and "ugly" in the word is with hai is three, and "son" glyph general meaning is "le", "冫", and "ugly" glyph general meaning is "cow".Such as: meng, jiang, hunan, swim, springs, Thai, ocean, hao, deep.

Pig baby named method:

1, the five elements

Based on a birth horoscope, named after the five elements.To see people five lines of fate with calculation method, and the main method is to calculate "horoscope".Therefore also known as "five lines of four column named method"."Birth horoscope" is ancient astrologer to birth year, month, day, as the "four pillars", when matched with Chinese era, each of the two words, "four pillars" the power of the total for "eight".

2, 5, named

This theory, according to the names of the people strokes to infer the fate, it mainly based on the relationship of based on the five elements of Yin and Yang, the person's name is divided into five case to explain the fate.Among them, the fate of the day, on behalf of the parents;Case on behalf of their before shipment (as boundaries by 38);Personality is the main transport;Outside of his own vice shipped;The total is your shipment.Five lattice algorithm is more tedious, stroke requirements must, in accordance with the traditional calculus in the kangxi dictionary, shan also points a surname, single double and so on.In general, is to calculate the name of the stroke number, to add and subtract in accordance with the requirements, it is concluded that each of the Numbers, to control the ready-made five mathematical table, find out is fierce, is auspicious, or evil and auspicious, so as to decide which words are available, which word is not available.

Second, the pig baby named considerations:

1, gender.That is to say the name of the boy must have a boy, girl must have the name of the girl, this let everybody in life all right.

2, comply with eight.To combine the traditional culture of zhouyi culture, the zhouyi culture contains five line, include your date of birth, of his own horoscope, must be combined with the parents do.

3, to help parents.When parents name, can be named the baby.

4, combining techniques.Must be nice, good writing, have aesthetic feeling, to avoid the harmonics.

5, avoid repetition of words, China has a population of 1.3 billion, 3000, about 12 million babies are born each year, so pay attention to is to avoid repetition of words.

Pig baby name books - pig baby names:

Li Jiayong, Su Wenxian, Dai Hao books, such as and, qiu-yan Chen guo, Chen Zhengrong, Luo Xinyi, Li Mingbai, Huang Yiwei, WenYanRu, Li Yuai, Huang Xinyi, ivy, jia-wei Chen, wen-yen Chen, Ye Jian hair, Wang Jiayan, swim YueYou, taken hong ying, Xie Yiyu, Wu Wenqin, Zhang Zhengai, Huang Tiande, Huang Jiayu, Liao Jiali and ching-fang lee, Wang Weiwei, Zhang Jizhong, ming-qi li, Wu Jiaqi, Lin Nianlan, Zheng Youxiang, Korea ZuoJun, Qiu Mengjun, Huang Yifen, Chen Mengru, Yuan Yating, Japan's culvert, Chen shi SAN, also don't 姵 star, WenMingXuan, Henry chan, soft, shoo, WengRuJun, zheng Li Linian, Li Meisheng, Li Bibao yu-fu wang, ya-ting Chen, Chiang, nylon, Jiang Chengxian, Cai Meng ren, Cai Wenhao, wu wan fung, Huang Renyi, Li Junxing, Cui Shuzhen, SUSIE, wang wei, Li Enling, Lin is a dream, and Li Yiqing, Lin Zonghan, jia-xiang liu, in accordance with the clean, Lin Sheng flowers, Yang Yanliang, cao Qian Song yukon, zhang family, Chen Youyan, Shen Xuanzhen, Li Biyi, HongYiLun, Lin Wei shun, Huang Weiyu, Yang Jiaru, heart le, Lin Zhiwei, li yi Lin south, Li Yanyuan, Lin Jian, Lin jia hao, yu-ling zhu, Chen Jiabo, WuYaTing

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