Rat why don't you get married

Rat why don't you get married

May be harmless, the trouble to ask "you don'tTo get married", if injured, every time it is endless.But terrible than the eyes of the world, is in fact your the heart to care about the world attention.My life still hold bad, how can you bear the life of others.Sometimes in life, only drink a cup of coffee in the past.About 12 zodiac not married reason, how to look at the rat said.

Why not get married: rat have hate noisy

In fact, both men and women, there are noisy, two people together, will want to each other can according to your life the way you want it, so often nag.butBelong to the ratPeople can't accept such nagging, even no marriage.

Also is to belong to the rat childish, how could you for such a reason not to the marriage?Nagging is also because of love, if can't accept the nagging, it definitely because not mature enough, but look at the people belong to the rat was obviously quite mature da lian.

When investigating of rat friends, their diameter is consistent, not the wedding is to don't want to let people nagging their, abandon their own life suddenly appeared a chattering like a crow of people appear in your own life every day feel too annoying.

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