Zodiac dog why don't you get married

Why not get married _ zodiac zodiac dog

You have been in love for many years, although you countless fantasy scenes, he propose to you but the man don't speak, also don't explain to youTo get marriedReason, you can only wait and wait, no longer youth, such as time passed...Silly girl, you will continue to wait?Though it is cruel, but have to say that man has not married.To see what the animal sign the dog.

Chinese zodiac dog: why not get married too dull

Some people might say that this is what age, where there will be puzzled amorous feelings too wooden man, you still don't say, really in the dog in the Chinese zodiac is a considerable part of the people, so too wooden will often miss their marriage opportunities.

In some cases,Belong to the dogPeople have affairs, the other cues in fact also very bold, dog people but no response, make people lose hope left, sometimes also because put does not open, clearly like somebody else also don't say, really urgentThe dead.

In fact, as an adult, for emotional attitude warm some, is very normal thing, don't cry because it is too pay attention to their image of what all be missed the people really like yourself, that is too dull.

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