Sign the xuanwu mountain Buddha Buddha LingQian signed 32 solution LingQian 32 sign sign

The Buddha LingQian32 sign: middle yuan proclaimed himself to sign

The Buddha LingQian: sign a poem

Crane in cages, fish swim in kettle;Pear flower take rain, Kim spit no flowers.

The Buddha LingQian: sign

Oblique west of trillion stars assault on sunset.Zodiac: [bull]

The Buddha LingQian: home

Yin one disaster, just to make many devils in the home, now want to be safe, unless the monk bodhidharma, found the auspicious curtilage the population against the summer months have disease difficult to curse not the loss of wealth, is Cheng mouth channel not beauty, there is the Yin actuation and suspicion soyama, good finishing each to make sure that he was to serve the Buddha dharma, please f light gates flat Ann"

The Buddha LingQian: old gentleman

Stars also when prevent abuse month, starting from small mouth Yin disaster, weak also when Hugh reform, borrow faucher sphere in advance.

The Buddha LingQian: business

Conservative management can peace, little of money to guard against, Pepsi, be careful with your heart, the result can only profits soar, the business is not greedy swaps, must still management according to play against plunder, payment for goods in and out of cautious with constant interest also"

The Buddha LingQian: look

Ancient fame and soldier machine, seeks the hope that more rare, if not will heart and patience, necessarily unwise was by others, the man have a little tired with your breath, disaster prevention of loss of goods should be with the understanding, use some money to help things can become"

The Buddha LingQian: marriage

Marriage I stay together originally, but others curse, if something into a quick early, or tardiness guard cold years, the marriage and do not delay, should be hired to marry, as early as possible if the delay may also, in the future and fear of women also"

The Buddha LingQian: go out

The seasonal impassability, threatening to prevent looting of wealth, don't go out appropriate conservative operation can be safely!

The Buddha LingQian: open shop

Is not beauty is not open open not hexagrams, open will don't greedy WangQu conservative management, prevent small civil air defense at a loss, the Buddha, please make a great peace.

The Buddha LingQian: partnership

The hexagrams of mega stars invasion months, man has the selfishness, the small civil air defense at a loss, do not close, ji also!

The Buddha LingQian: seek

Small thin to prevent consumption is gain of fear to lose money, appropriate caution from the path, partial goods resistance loss is not desirable, take will be lost!

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