Sign the xuanwu mountain Buddha Buddha LingQian signed 35 solution LingQian 35 sign sign

The Buddha LingQian35 sign: liu2 huang2 shu2 river-crossing just sign

The Buddha LingQian: sign a poem

Waist peja Huang Jinyin, body ride Bai Yulin;F many treasures, tortoise shell pearl.

The Buddha LingQian: sign

Golden pheasant bit forgive golden annunciation.Zodiac: "dog"

The Buddha LingQian: home

Eaves magpie called three times, before quote your Pepsi into this year, rising as wealth eloth, more in accordance with the portal hair light, the family happy ying yingA pregnant womanCan produce man, but too officer not breath lost money evil fire, adjacent ago killed blunt injury, appropriate for blessed by Buddha lamp hanging on the door the fire carefully in the morning and evening, living goods Ding Changsheng"

The Buddha LingQian: old gentleman

Crow to the very heavens potential wanli Cheng Tu his whip, as natural wealth eloth, b&q right QingQing age.

The Buddha LingQian: business

Business this year, spring, summer, like a bird fall, hair began to fall and winter in June, the bird feathers of high and low, in the spring, summer, like a bird fall MAO business, June to qiu dong crane add life can be as big as the sea development to be in Italy"

The Buddha LingQian: look

Cherish feathers years panasonic, refused to bow is rich, Japan from brigitte han teng, know the ambition high at this point, the cut off early man have a dog, do not worry wait qiu dong things also will succeed"

The Buddha LingQian: marriage

YaoTai cranes used to offer the, months is the goddess of the moon, but the son desire love, and this spring scenery'd, "bligh this marriage can become, but in the early, either good or bad people gossip, but what business can be in for a long time of a husband and wife."

The Buddha LingQian: go out

The signed article Ye Ji don't doubt everything have to be brave to think in two, may have a noble person also.

The Buddha LingQian: open shop

Spring has cut off on the hexagrams, small disasters, transhipment, June report good news can be deep and thick cock.

The Buddha LingQian: partnership

The hexagrams of fine like golden annunciation of trillion, people unite as one, more together business available in Italy.

The Buddha LingQian: seek

Is wealth such as birds moult, beauty in all matters relating to the later made bile wisdom, 28, November can get profit, at the beginning of the partial goods there is resistance, there are available in Italy!

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