Buddha LingQian signed signed basaltic solution 29 mountain Buddha LingQian 29 sign sign

The Buddha LingQianSign: 29 prince zhongwu of fenyang offer birthday felicitations on sign

The Buddha LingQian: sign a poem

At the beginning of new lotus, Mosaic is open hair;Ghost heart bucket, spread all over the world to know.

The Buddha LingQian: sign

To meet spring flowers and trees in the spring flowers of trillion.Zodiac: "dragon"

The Buddha LingQian: home

Worship god naturally identity, people drink good god curse not abuse, this not YanLiu without block, tian silkworm 10 times in late autumn, the auspicious curtilage beaming rimmon tian silkworm 10 times, but too in the summer months the population have indisposition of breath for goods, every model should be sincere worship the Buddha, and heaven and earth, Cheng channel mouth use new"

The Buddha LingQian: old gentleman

Yin and Yang consistency prosper, now walk in the midst of the bright moon, harps each portal ji, splendor in xi.

The Buddha LingQian: business

Grinding tea lotus mountain is not high, the early bitter little pay, and my heart remember, earth fruit harvest the business partnership with adverse resistance loss, only to do two, three bitter past, five, eight, November business available in Italy"

The Buddha LingQian: look

Has ten years of hard work in study, once turn to be included in the field, thanks to the court with wit and, proclaim the name of tianfu incense, the plot; and as a benefactor assistance, for it can be arbitrary but XiaoLong man must not make, fear of evil is not lost my money!

The Buddha LingQian: marriage

Red tethered asked 51, you don't have to ask something, to become, silk being on that fate to, sit nice phoenix song!In "into the business of marriage, two people don't have the matchmaker, stay on that can XiaPin, also can be success?

The Buddha LingQian: go out

The hexagrams like spring flowers open hair, everything is not suspected bile outward, a benefactor assistance available both fame and wealth.

The Buddha LingQian: open shop

Spring-like hexagrams to spend hair of, the business is thriving can, may be thick profit, but should endure breath business civilization.

The Buddha LingQian: partnership

The hexagrams inauspicious fear of man against wrong words have their own self resistance loss, don't match!

The Buddha LingQian: seek

Is good at the thin, should be hard to maintain two, five, eight, November have gain a great benefactor assistance available goods were lost in the early, but to the very end of a Italian!

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