The Buddha Buddha LingQian 36 signed signed basaltic solution mountain LingQian. 36 sign sign

The Buddha LingQianArticle 36 sign: the king of fengming signed on

The Buddha LingQian: sign a poem

With the banquet, the eight immortals WuMa introduction;Phoenix dance heaven and earth, gold plate with jade cup.

The Buddha LingQian: sign

Such as fish dragon chisel Shi Jianjin of trillion.Zodiac: "chicken"

The Buddha LingQian: home

To turn into auspicious Pepsi, meet peopleA blind dateYanLiu resistance with a smaller, autumn and winter, spring, summer, people gain everything heng, the auspicious curtilage the population of the hexagrams can get happy rimmon, but signed article has YanLiu two words, because of the summer months for wealth is not Cheng mouth noxious gas net, appropriate repair often clean water circulation, living goods Ding Xingwang"

The Buddha LingQian: old gentleman

Fish over jump waves march, when the body side into a dragon, and when he had a party for new Pepsi one side.

The Buddha LingQian: business

In spring and summer little to gain, meet Yang month LuHong, qiu dong season prices, business too thick, the business will be thick, but fear of spring block, less appropriate hard operates five, nine, November is noble, the business is thriving,

The Buddha LingQian: look

Run a quote you know, when the first late-autumn pushing higher, if encounter three Yang kaitai, known the two fitting for the situation can be into but in the early prevention, qiu dong has benefactor assistance, plans each matter can succeed"

The Buddha LingQian: marriage

Day with good marriage together at both ends, in the same phase, more see clear water fish games, good put SiGuan jig, the same day with good marriage water fish play, feeling, marriage can succeed surely don't miss the timing"

The Buddha LingQian: go out

Is physically safe but there are cut off, but should have bravery intellectual who dared to go, have a noble should result want to!

The Buddha LingQian: open shop

The hexagrams of such as fish, such as dragon, spring, summer, grinding bitter past XinKaiPu have little resistance, but will have to be brave to intellectual management, fall and winter months can get big profit.

The Buddha LingQian: partnership

The hexagrams of dragon signs, such as fish together of man should unite as one, hard to operate a benefactor assistance, the wineries have thick profit can also!

The Buddha LingQian: seek

Are rich spring, summer, autumn light, October the super and three Yang next year big luck!

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