Constellation matching interpretation love: Taurus

  Constellation matching interpretation of love:Taurus

Interpretation of love - the Taurus constellation matched

  Constellation matching interpretation Taurus girls love

Warm the Taurus woman looking forward to a stable relationship.Taurus female senses of strong personality, full of desire, and definitely feminine.She like to feel the beauty of beautiful things, often is the outstanding home cooking, taste is also very unique.She by senior furniture, gorgeous fashion and warm home to define yourself.Because attaches great importance to the sense of pleasure and approachable, she often attract deja vu men at the first glance.

Play with the feelings of people the most to make her angry.Taurus girl afraid of get hurt deeply, mostly developed psychological self protection.In love, Taurus girl always tells the truth.Her warm, attaches great importance to the sense of individuality, and be the best lover.In the family, she can make a not his surroundings slightly away from the sweet atmosphere.

Although Taurus women need as well as their strong, stable and honest man, she will still be attracted to warm type man.So her ideal object should combine these two advantages.At the same time, don't let her need for emotional over self.Better get a balance between individual hobby and cooperation partners.When she will enjoy her life, also can enjoy spend time with your partner, her love in order to be successful.

  Constellation matching interpretation Taurus boys love

The Taurus man takes time.He spends all the time to think, just to make a correct decision, as he will also take time to think about and watching you, to make sure you can be the life together with him, enjoy the girl he prepared everything.He is very romantic, this is not a joke;Just to see his romantic, have to spend a period of training, but he is a coach, coach of the fire makes sweet malt.

Standard of Taurus to feel quite sensitive, if he is willing to pay the feelings, and you are that can spend with him in the future, that you can feel his romantic, he understand how charming romantic feelings, just like him.

The Taurus man like of girl, elegant lady, a wife and motherA woman.He didn't want to waste time to play love games.So!If you are a new feminist girl, you may not be suitable for him.Are you willing to love for the sake of convergence a bit?With him, especially in front of his friends, don't keep their opinions, not necessary, best less open, keep smiling, modesty is to be seated by his side.He will from time to time look at you, and, after he would like to take you attend social situations together.

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