Constellation matching interpretation love: Leo

  Constellation matching interpretation of love:Leo

Interpretation of love -- Leo constellation matched

  Paired reading Leo constellation girl love

Nothing more, although the Leo girl really looking forward to love, so she is looking forward to find a person who read the feelings very seriously, before never met such a person, is nothing more, so Leo not many girls in love, the girl looks very strong, but the heart is soft, as long as love, will be desperate to love.

Sentimental: although said Leo girl with a strong shell, but Leo girl's heart is very soft, so they are very sentimental, tears are their regular customers, often shed tears for touching story or a person, only rarely let anyone noticing, because strong is their most authentic camouflage.

smallA womanTendencies: the love of the Leo women and usually appears in a work attitude is completely different, Leo girls love the audience is one of the most important characteristic small woman, eager to have a sheltered harbor dock makes them, so there may be a little capricious in everyday life and unreasonable, it's just their insecurity a way of expression, because they are care about you, will be such to you.

(there is no principle) : do not think that onlyPiscesIs emotional, in fact, Leo girl in love is also very perceptual, and Leo girl once in love, will be very spoony, no principle, in order to love can give everything, so Leo girl is very vulnerable to injury, but they are willing to be hurt was black and blue all over, who made her love him?

Romance: believe that all girls want to harvest romantic love, hope to harvest surprise in the love, but life is not a drama, insipid life is the real meaning of love, so Leo girl's heart there is always a princess dream, eager to ride the white horse prince's arrival.

  Constellation matching reading Leo boy love

Leo boy don't love is not love, not love just like to let others to love oneself, meet that is the feeling of love, but, once he fell in love with someone, he is only you in my heart.Other girls windbag worship, but still want to be loved, but in the mind only you one.In the eyes of Leo boy, there is a difference between like and love.Isn't what you think, he say that like you is just like one of your characteristics, but when he really love you he will direct say: "I love you!"

Leo is determined.Leo guy once really in love with a girl can't break up easily, because he knew that once the break up is no longer possible.Similarly, they also do not want to and they said, because the Leo man's self-esteem is very strong.Don't lie to him, don't give him ShuaCongMing, a look at you thinking?The lion can feel it.Lion boys is a nostalgic person, may sometimes give lover to make a telephone call before or some ambiguous words, it doesn't mean anything, nor want to compound.

Leo man is the most faithful, fall in love Leo will usually not care for the other members of the opposite sex behavior, the lion really asked too much in a relationship...True love is hard to find the so-called.But I met a can let the lion tempted, perhaps can again, because the lion for his super of the person you like, tend to become very irrational, passionate for each other, hard to avoid can scare the other side, because the lion's love is too hot, too crazy.

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