Constellation matching interpretation love: Gemini

  Constellation matching interpretation of love:Gemini

Interpretation of love -- Gemini constellation matched

  Constellation matching interpretation Gemini girls love

Gemini women intelligent, fast response, like flirting, object is surrounded by men.Her persuasive, interesting, and can speak good, skillful in joke.Her good interpersonal relationship, is always the focus of attention in the party.Her strong curiosity, like mind as flexible and her people.She will look askance of high status men.She hate don't know, or inappropriate dressing idlers.As soon as they met fanatical pursuit of her male, will not be able to obtain the Gemini women's heart.She will be attracted to men with self, elusive men especially exciting challenges.

Gemini women fall in love at first sight of elements are each other's brains and ability.The wisdom and humorous conversation can make her feel good.She is due to loose her, worry a bit less.To criticism, in the heart with more enthusiasm.Don't regard love as either lose or win the game.Think of it as worth positive experience journey.

Gemini women instinctively know how to praise men, disarm him good.But falling in love after the thinking of poor also annoyed her secretly.Love song which made her think, initiation of fear.Best don't put fear in their hopes, goals, and anxiety on things, otherwise she will not be able to from in a sleepless night, helpless blind eye look up the ceiling unanswered conversation or listen to the brain.

  Constellation matching interpretation Gemini boys love

Natural spirit gives Gemini once deep in love with a girl, will be very happy to go to observe and study the girl, to master her all the joys and sorrows, and can be very good to control scale.Gemini is love will is strong, only young when they scatter energy points too, because of curiosity.When applied to a point, energy must be beyond your imagination, as if he signs of the zodiac, can drift of a double talent and strength;Gemini man actually very persistent, is narrow, once Gemini thinks he has found true love, they will and other grasp very well of the scale of the opposite sex, not easily, maybe you can still see his fellowship with other women, so but he has to give heart to his true love;A Gemini man is very happy.

Most important, Gemini's understanding of love is giving, not possession and taking, he love you, all the process of giving is the happiest, let him be Gemini love so is very easy, you can't hear such as "I paid so much did you pay?"Of this kind of dispute, even pay a lot for you but you have to leave the moment, Gemini will heartfelt blessing you.Maroussi in the hierarchy of needs theory has a: people have a need to love and be loved.Most people only see the need of being loved, but in Gemini, it seems, love to need the same or even more important.Most Gemini is not live for ourselves, but to one you love live, lose emotional pillar Gemini are mostly super mix of 60 minute long live, they need a fulcrum to burst of energy and wisdom, that is "love".

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