Constellation matching interpretation love: Sagittarius

  Constellation matching interpretation of love:Sagittarius

Interpretation of love -- Sagittarius constellation matched

  Constellation matching interpretation Sagittarius girls love

It is very important to keep a proper distance, if she is afraid of, leave for a moment.Don't bother to confessions, let her feel more is and your happiness, rather than your force.Don't spend romantic, striker don't eat this one.Sagittarius love must be started with a friend.

The pursuit of striker will not easily promise to anyone.You don't need to because the nervous, too.Striker is more, for the social interests, maintain enthusiasm for friends.However, in the face of love, the striker is pessimistic, they don't believe love in the reality, so tend to keep the rational distance with everyone.So, they may encounter many times reckless pursuit and expression, but those are difficult to success.Because these reckless pursuit make rational distance not see shooters, Sagittarius woman enthusiasm and mistaken for the affection of signal.So don't be reckless person, if you want to and women together for a long time, ensure that you are the most important friend, she put profession in the last minute.

Striker spoke very straightforward, there is a man of feeling, also is not enough.But does not mean they are benzene.In fact, this point, the striker really good in disguise, they observe, sometimes, but most of the time they don't care.See, don't care about, is not I don't know.So, you play of the figure is likely to have been her to see.She did not say, is likely to be two reasons, or want to give you a chance, or didn't take you seriously.So don't be smart.

A lot of time with striker is not romantic, she won't do the bird according to people, goes about its business, still love freedom, still run free.All this, as normal, please, please take care.You can look after her when she was running safety, when she wants a person to travel, to help her find a good ticket, travel, rather than ask why she is a person to, why not contact.

  Constellation matching interpretation Sagittarius boys love

He wasn't the kind of meditation waiting for waiting for him, when he likes you, he is shy and timid, he is brave, optimistic, active and actively pursue you.He is not that kind of person who is warmth, love word continuous silently, he took the boyish zeal, he quickly knocked your heart.But, when you may be the single relationship, he will hesitate.

In love, he is a brisk partner and lover, he bring you infinite joy, his fast, the busy pace of life will not be slow because of your appear.He wasn't the kind to be able to enjoy two people hand in hand, quietly in the flowered swim close emotional world of a man, and his love is to share the fun of life together with him, is to participate in various activities with him.He likes a wide range of social circle, every day he kept shuttling between all kinds of social activities and friends.Do you want to run away with his exile in travel, adventure, and he is eager to ideological discussed together with you.Most of your time spent in a lively and cheerful time, if you want to get along with him quietly, so most of the time in bed.

He is honest, generous, he like body contact, make no secret of his his great physical pleasure, to enjoy intimacy, frequent sexual activity is an important content in his life.

His fiery passion, to fast, fast, you have to maintain a positive enthusiasm, share all the fun to live with him in time, he is not stable for the future and sorrow.He likes a good time at the moment, does not seek permanent happiness (he is not lack of happiness).He has a special for marriage, the family and sex, understanding, he doesn't care about safety, security, fall in love in stable relationships.He needs full freedom, he could stand being temporarily possession, but later he will unconsciously with other heterosexual contacts.He does not want to be love lock on a person's body, and his love to the principle of happiness is to love him, let him go, he can a single people live a happy life.Even after the mature, his idea of love is seeking pleasure instead of passion.Early marriage will make him lose freedom, he is difficult to lose happiness for loyalty, unless he mature early, he was able to highly into fixed relationship.

In love, he is a bad faith, innocent children.He sure you today, tomorrow will be forgotten, don't be upset for he didn't meet you on time, not to mention to he export and to guarantee and excited.

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