Dream of lotus root

What is the meaning of dream of lotus root?Dream dream of lotus root?Dream of lotus root with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of lotus root solution to speak in detail.

Dream of lotus root

Dream of lotus root, good omen, can make friends.

Patient dreamed to eat lotus root, the body will soon return to health.

Unmarried men and women dream of lotus root, can quickly find a lover.

marriedA womanDream of lotus root, make a fortune.

Dreamed to strangers present lotus root, rely on friends to make a fortune.

A pregnant womanDream of lotus root was very lucky, this dream imply that expectant mothers life is smooth, safe, the baby's growth and development is also very stable, need not worry too much!

Mother dreamed to eat lotus root and prosperous of trillion, the dream means mother ill situation will ease, disease will be cured, so mother hurriedly walked out of the haze of disease!

If pregnant women dream of buying his own lotus root, signaled the mothers will have a sign of waste, but if you can waste from mothers do not too care about money of gain and loss, health and safety is the most important thing!

Dream to dream dig lotus root on pregnant women mother is a good thing, it is a dream imply that expectant mothers can make bosom friend sincerely, sincere, but also can give mother a lot of help.

If pregnant women dream of a lot of lotus root is words is suggested on life, on behalf of the joy and happiness in life more rich, the expectant mothers.

If pregnant women dream of lotus root sections, as well as mothers will be very pleased, because the dream imply that pregnant women twins or twins!

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream to eat lotus root.The main raw XiuQiao men and women more wisdom.The broken dream secretary

Dream snow lotus root, ji.Gentry dream this, constant opening, have economy ambition;Women dream of this, the main element CuiBai in property, with the appearance of clean.Dream this disease, summer and fall when the guide, winter and spring as a tonic."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

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