Dream of mustard

What is the meaning of dream of mustard?Dream dream of mustard?Dream of mustard with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of mustard detailed solution.

Dream of mustard

Looks like the dream of mustard is very good, for farmers, predict harvest and happiness;For navigation, mean wealth.

Dream of eat mustard seeds, feel burning like a fire in the mouth, said: have you ever careless behavior bring their misfortune, you will be painful.

Dream of edible cooking good green mustard, said psychological pressure caused by excessive waste of money.

youngA womanDream of eating fresh mustard, indicated that in order to satisfy their own desires, you do not hesitate to spend money.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream mustard, ji.The dream of the teachers of the law on reputation, take purple as pick up mustard;Blow to its work, chop KouDao like dirt.This unusual dream, scabies infection of the disease."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream mustard.Ordinary people dream, Lord has tinea scabies.The broken dream secretary

Dreamed of mustard case analysis

Dream description: last night dreamed of home garden kind of a piece of land in the mustard, green, fat and tender, I went to the field gathered a give husband and son eat Fried, what omen?

Dreams resolution: you're a bit excessive spending money on recently, cause you to make ends meet, suggest you should plan to spend money, lest appear no money situation.

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