Dream of lettuce

What is the meaning of dream of lettuce?Dream dream of lettuce?Dream of lettuce with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of lettuce detailed solution.

Dream of lettuce

Looks like the dream of green lettuce is very good, said after a trivial matter cause embarrassment, your life will be very satisfied.

Dreaming that I am in to eat lettuce, predict disease will make you and your lover or partner, this dream is also likely to indicate a strong jealousy.

A womanDream in grow lettuce that his childhood illness or premature death is mainly responsible for yourself.

Dream of picking or selling lettuce, said you are very sensitive, naturally easy to envy others, it will bring you to comfort the sorrow and pain.

Dream of buy lettuce, say you will let yourself onto the road of decline.

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