Ears have a personal name size

Ears have a personal name size

A personal reputation size, generally associated with people's gift.And one's literary talent, mostly comes from the knowledge and understanding.See nature cannot leave the eyes and ears, the so-called to poor, ErCong eye reach do not suppress the well-informed.From the five elements, ear for gold, eye for the water, the water main, gold for its source.Therefore, it is often said, ask in the ear.

Ears have a personal name size

The trend towards the mouth, outlook for glory

To the five-star, for Venus left ear, right ear to Jupiter, mouth to mouth of mercury, if one ear potential towards the mouth, the basic water samsung toward the arch, to honor and into each other, the person outlook coupled to glory.

Secretly obsessed with the broad deep, longevity is famous

Facial features to theory, ears to listen to the officer.If a person's ear secretly obsessed with the broad deep, similar to the city in the solid, the person is a good way to listen to, judge right and wrong;This kind of person if officials, is also a good officer, will not only listen to the story, but also ShanDuan right and wrong, good and evil.The expensive very, and longevity.

Ear will chung, ear high will name

On the basis of the nose, ears size greater than nose is big, the opposite is small;Height on the basis of eyebrow, eyebrow is high, the opposite of low.Because, his ears control a person's brain, and heart are interlinked, is the heart of the supervisor, table syndrome of the kidney.Kidney wang zhen zha on sensitive ear;Kidney empty ears feel dull.Natural, one the size of the ears, high and low, is a sign of distinguish kidney in failure.Therefore, big ear is a smart way, ears of people of high tolerance is high, easy to obtain high reputation and status.

The earlobe towards the mouth, jianghai is same

Face four blaspheme, ear for jiang to blaspheme, mouth to blaspheme the sea.If one ear lobe towards the mouth, as jianghai are interlinked, the main person to anybody, and mouth to eat eloth, earlobe, ferro is one fu lu long.like a symbol, and therefore, the main man mostly finances is very good, a very wide reputation.

Ear is white, is famous for its four seas

As we all know, the ear belongs to Venus, its developed degree, natural could tell from the color.Because, the golden color is white, if, the person ear compared with complexion, far more revealing than his face is white, that person, ears are well developed, the ear has been opened.His clever degree, is likely to be born.Why so say, because the ear main less luck, early shipment, a lot of young famous people, mostly white ears.Since the famous time early, is famous for its universal nature is possible.

Line shape hand, easy to become famous

As to the five elements theory, the ear also has five lines.&gold company ear to belarus side is positive;Wood line, take the slender upright position is positive;Water line ears are is successfully put meat;The fire line ears take pointed long high dew is positive;The soil line ear thick large hanging bead is positive.Ear for the five elements of five lines of the raw water, generally correspond to ji, phase grams, avoid too prosperous is fierce;Therefore, soil line ear to carry gas, soil, water, kidney deficiency, the young age of Zhun this, will be sick;Water line, river flood, punishment.

At the same time, the five elements of the ear, and its person of the body and five lines, as well as the colour and shape of the ear itself represents five grams, also can produce the good or ill luck.Ear, such as: wood fire wood fire lit;Bai Shuiqing &gold company water ears, gold, and natural good reputation;Line of fire water, water, fire, the straw.This man is the shape of the ear, for example, water line of the ear, but the color is the fire line is not auspicious.

Look from the ears

Big ear

Many people think of big ear is very ugly.In fact, portals wide is not a bad thing.Because the width of the portals is also people's tolerance and cleverness.The so-called: "portals is broad, intelligent open-minded.Many big ear has the virtues of tolerance, open mind, gentle and beautiful soul.

From ear fate think big is blessed by their ears.The other people, the pursuit of knowledge and curiosity is strong, have outstanding ideas, truth... all can clear right and wrong, good and evil.Vitality abundant, stable personality work carefully, sober, realistic, down-to-earth, and work hard.People generally had big ears broad, open-minded, luck, the life will be.In their respective fields, at ordinary times as long as careful observation, will find rich, scholars and experts, the most important officials have a pair of big ears.

Small ears

From ear to see fate, small ear hearing qiao, is a more sensitive kind of person.Therefore, brothers and many friends, but because love is too detailed and lack of determination heart, easily swayed by the opinions of others.Confusion on the life of Trinidad and Tobago, often for sesame green beans little very much obliged, not too love to face reality.Because of a strong sense of self, so advice to others more difficult to accept, and then affect the interpersonal relationship.Small ears of judgment is poorer, emotionally, and personality impulses, says what is short and straightforward person.Financial management concepts, the man without spending any money also have no planning, so the lifetime have savings, nor is it suitable for business.

Thick ear

Look from the ear fate thick ear is one of the most money ear shape.The ear has meat and hypertrophy is the appearance of longevity.Round the ear, and meat is thick, in the shape of the profile is also very good, strong.This kind of match the ears and chin up observation to know how good.This ear, good activity, very ambitious, and a use of others to running a business by the wrist, also good at dealing with all sorts of change.In short, thick ear, is resourceful, ferro in both.

Ear thin

From ear fate think many ears, thin and pathetic, but also because the heart have a deep feeling of inferiority and easy to have a neurotic tendencies.Afraid of others because of his injury, also feared he is hurt by others.Such people are blessing as thin as the ears.In all things, give yourself a lot of pressure.The person always have no savings, life will often being errand, lack of ability to make money.In addition, the thin ears, auricle beautiful people, however, is much also spent much of type.They will have excellent talents, in terms of cultural undertakings in the society, but relatively weak in terms of profit.

Ears have not highlight

Look from ear fate think protruding ear bones of human reality, work earnestly.Profile outward people doing things in positive, outgoing personality, belong to in practice for a self.Besides, they like excitement and adventure.In the eyes of others, they may have a rebellious personality.And their unique aesthetic view, not by ordinary people.Actually they agile, means to move, hard-working, doing things more secure, handy, its efficiency is extremely high.The in the mind is not thinking.However, as the saying goes: gold no pure gold, no one is perfect.Protruding ear bones of the man is usually a detail, regardless of primary and secondary, always let a person feel is not good to provoke, so may as well be humble bit on human fiber.

Positive see ears

Some long a pair of "lucky face, no matter what time, keep good fortunes.Because the face side meat much more special, look from the front, almost completely invisible ear, is the so-called positive no ears.A man of this phase, physical strength and boldness of vision is full, doing business scale is large, but also has built up a considerable status.Moreover, this kind of person is always hard, also have great personal ability, seem to be all over all the resources, just wait for the opportunity of success.Positive see ears on behalf of this person fortune prosper at present.If the person ear small and not easy to see the whole picture is smart is relatively good, accurate judgment, work efficiency is high, if you want to apply for personnel, should be first choice for the people.

Hell ear

The shape of the ear long, even a little bit like animals or elf ears.This is people often say "hell ear".Who has the ear of thinking flexible fickle, the idea is exquisite, the trail information

Don't informed sensitive, is a good data collector.So, this kind of person is most suited to do market research, reporters or politicians.Have such a friend can get a lot of information, but also need to be careful he will promote your secret out.Although like all gossip, however, in the important juncture, they will still be in size weight.

Thick earlobe

Blessed thick earlobe, it is almost universally accepted.This kind of personal hardware lang, feel better, money, friends are good, is also very generous to the person, so most of the family happiness, interpersonal relationship is also quite good.Basically, they don't have any big desire but what also don't lack of money, you can also increase naturally property.

Some people the earlobe or hanging bead is smaller, but it is rich, they or of the inheritance of property, or to do speculation by windfall.Also have special exception is hanging bead small but regular people, they can to make up the loss, can make the enterprise have ridden.

Didn't the earlobe

Look from ear fate think ear is a semicircle, almost no ear lobes.Such ear characteristics is very thin, and small, chiseled.Who has the ear notice spirit, rich imagination, is a typical temperament middleman.Their indifference to reality is a little bit, however, good fantasy, work lack of planning, often with a moment of emotional things.If the ear long flesh, thin little more without earlobe, poorer may be wasting or are failing.So be extra attention, should develop the concept of money, improve financial management ability.

Ear below the eyebrow

In general, the top of the ear below brow above eyes, this is very normal.The location of the ears is auspicious.Have ears, more independent, thinking, work also be frank and open so easy to get the understanding and trust of others.And since has certain organization ability, so the officer finances all prosper.But if the location of the ear is too low, it may become a proud and capricious or waste, and addicted to materialistic and sexual desire, so there is no cause of achievement.Alleged sexual cheeper, strict in himself and can only be done a career.

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