The hidden good deeds looking face

The hidden good deeds looking face

Teng snake converter into the sea, LuWei after increase - law grains lines short groove black and entrance of Ying snake (3) the entrance to the main starved to death, such as Ying snake gives birth to deputy for hidden good deeds longevity with lines master die.As each corner downstream for hidden good deeds grain, a grain of Cheng snake converter ShengJiaoThe seaAlso the main die.But two quarrel new lines do not intersect, intersection is double Ying snake is still the main starve to death.

The hidden good deeds looking face

Countries ZiQi, can broken kill marks off moles - han Gu Fengming elderly childless, read many negative theory piece of cloud, a day three Yang and three level tone with many children, if in will lonely loss.Man asked the child before the age of thirty, view on two orders, not the thief, if the thief has g, protruding eyes injured.Asked the child before the age of forty, view on three Yang and three level tone without spot, if become trapped people have g, grain nevus is injured.Asked the child before the age of 50, the body of silkworm capsule company is not empty, if the grams of green stripes, silkworm capsule between virtual injury (note 4).Is the phase of q minus the grams of injury can be changed?A day, the printed ZiQi can kill lines off moles, lie silkworm hidden good deeds (note 5) can change his wife stupid meat, celebrating YunZhang color may be modified, the thief who intentionally gavel can change lonely death phase.And jun temples to edge on the eyebrow is the color of red Huang Zicai, often of penetration between the ears, nose, and the product is the life of a gavel, children should be the main, consequences older child.

Three YangYuTang, sons - the letters patent closure SAN Yang children namely, if the purple wire coiling, CV 18 eyebrow end area, if gas gather bead with jade-like stone light, worship Lord sons will form a photograph, or career developed to become the richest man.

The moon and sun Ming hidden good deeds, will produce our son - Angle of bright bright moon and bright day month, hidden good deeds now children in rich hidden good deeds lines, or the current color Huang Run through main birth of purple.If above an evil color the loss only.

Rosy clouds fly four door, money as far as at the moment - four door namely, lunch, sockets, unitary four officer, rosy clouds is yellow, and purple is the color hidden good deeds, the subaltern bonanza, money everywhere, drawbacks.

Xiangyun winding in # 3, you don't speak - three Yin tang and two f # # (according to the author has also ancient books call three hall three or three Yin tang and two CV 18 #), if Huang Run in red and purple if countless xiangyun (i.e., city gas) is the hidden good deeds is of color, principal officials as we are in charge.

Tang Fu yellow-bright infusion, in panxi YouXiang - all students to attend schoolThe test(the author in panxi, Xiang like today's senior high schools and colleges and universities), although the face look not beautiful, if there are any Tang Fu (note 6) color can still be high, its emergence of parts besides GuanLu rich and f #, spring should see Yin tang, summertime appropriate positions, the day the autumn should be certain head, winter appropriate see pulp.And every Tang Fu look whether officials subaltern, such as recruiting officer for clerical errors than can take off SINS are exempt from punishment.

The brilliant purple color, even families, AD - all intellectuals participating in the special examination held by countries, advanced exam. Although the face look not beautiful, if you have the printing color can still high school.Such as the seal gas after not dispersed, Tang Fu gas, are the main even high school.Such as the division of the later tang dynasty the seal gas are not dispersed, the top three yuan and in the master even.Got the death penalty prisoner, such as the seal gas Yu Tianzhong Yin tang now firing three will be the main amnesty.

Dragon sun-and-rain cheng shan bone, the stars fall - all children have dragon eyes, cheng, bashan bone, bone, bone), is the pattern of how great you are, parents should cultivate one's morality of merit in the shadow, otherwise should prevent death or disfigured.

The hidden good deeds color features

, will be the main hall and developed for hidden good deeds, hall abruptly from the god of the road, if yellow and purple glory, now the main man will suddenly developed, check in at the moment.

Four CangPing, full of life have lu have money - four storehouse or warehouse and warehouse two days, also for hidden good deeds in the god of the road, such as flat, full of color and normal, the main life of lu officer wealth flourish.If she saw evil evil nevus break or color to invade, is the sign of damage hidden good deeds, though filled up which is also the main financial ruin.

No gossip hong leong, I mean danger - holds gossip, the face also don't (see chart), there is gossip gossip for hidden good deeds in the god of the road, such as gossip hong leong and look normal, the main man live long and prosper.If she saw the evil evil mole to break, or black gas coiled in gossip on both sides, is the sign of damage hidden good deeds, set to the main disaster.

Educational bright as a mirror, a day all things doth justice charitable works - mortal life, several years or decades later, chest nest place will knot, mirror, mirror of the meat, "everything", the main no child, no gain profit, no lu lu, no life of long life.

Black between the meat, we shall KeZi off sun - stupid meat that is now their children's palace site puffiness, meaning that their children's palace float in air are bug eat by moth, more see green gas to offender, the main man mind malice, ferial behavior have a conscience, must KeZi sun.If the hidden good deeds to appear on the lines between the meat, MingRun dark red color, the main is evil in his early years, and then repent the birth of wide product gavel.

Front suspension needle, broken, main big fierce, but deathless my renown suspension needle lines generally longer than Yin tang, but also have longer than the front, but less than a longer than Yin tang ji also, such as the suspension of needle branches lines longer than Yin tang mount, calling "hanging needle foot", is the main one.Such as longer than the front suspension of needle lines under the broken again, but deathless my renown for "kill lines", and the main big fierce.But hanging needle lines by the horizontal grain, is not to kill lines, that was born near branch or horizontal stripes are hidden good deeds lines also.

Sound dumb aphonia, unique blessing and die longevity -- those who voice sounds far your life of Lord.Such as aphonia, after illness will be detrimental to hidden good deeds main death not far, such as the sound dumb aphonia, a day of polyphony sound, the main person for product have gavel the master live.

Six Yang, four le, not far from death - six Yang namely I Yang I Yin, four the rest (7) the armour, hair, teeth, color, above all is hidden good deeds in the god of the road, if more than six Yang diablo, four dry charred die.

Floating head of god, with red yellowing, head of the three sharp six cutting, god floating namely protruding eyes, such phase for what not poor longevity of reason?If his complexion is ruddy face Huang Run, goodbye lips red to embellish the Lord blessing.Because of the color can be improved by mind, look beautiful natural good fortune and health.(note: this is a physiological and psychological effects caused by physiological effects look)

Body fat out of color, defeated wu home - this one puffiness, gas should not be within the outside color is not China, will the Lord die longevity and industry wu's house.Instead of the DE had, it was supposed to do good, fat, waist and abdomen drop arch, with color huacai jade-like stone selling, beginning to speak of fat body and honor.

Has a wicked manfacesparsing

Face width, high cheekbones

Generally face width, will give the heart narrow, also belong to helpful people, especially in front of your friends is generous, never because a few small things, and easy to haggle over every ounce, this is the face width of the bona fide side, if coupled with high cheekbones, that is two types, such people are selfish, especially in terms of power, this kind of people like to fight, desire for power, if you encounter such a person, with you must beware of he will betray you at any time, because he can regardless of any moral, for power in an adverse situation, generally has the characteristics of the people, are familiar, but he is quite a tough man at heart.

Eye big thin eyebrows

General eyes, belong to compare kindhearted, be good at communication, don't like to fight with other people, and a delicate, generally, the people around are very willing to contact with such people, especially women, is very interesting, at the same time the characteristics of the straight flange is better, if the eyes, eyebrows are scarce, it is not very ideal, so people love dispute, especially the little things in life, like to argue with people, generally just contact with such people, a lot of people are prone to error, and then there are a lot of embarrassment that cause, such people are very like trueer, and competitive spirit is very strong, only then is willing to give up everything to win, but one thing, generally a lot of people will say, eyebrows scarce character is more urgent, but large eyes, eyebrows scarce that is different, so people like to keep silence, to hide his thoughts.

The forehead to sink full mount

Forehead career full of strong, and smart, career very enterprising heart, especially such a person, not many words, with some people, much less speak to east parents, all day long, have what thing, as long as oneself know good, if the high forehead, plus flocks to sink, such inner feelings, thoughts, and jealousy is very strong, face to face up to such generally are belong to sincere honest man, quiet, also don't want to go dispute, but is like holding grudges, because some people around easily, it is better than his, are prone to jealousy, easy to play games, to put it bluntly, is a mean person psychology is overweight, ferocious inside.

Chin plump mole scar

Chin plump, integrity, no heart, and get along with people around him are of peace, and the sense that gives a person is very kind, generally people with chin plump, and prosperous husband, belongs to the wife and mother type in the marriage, once appear chin mole scar, especially large moles, the Lord is not decent, eye, and such people are very good at camouflage, general won't appear, and so the patient heart is strong, no matter how the sorry state of the surface you let him, and smiled, but in the later, wait for your available time, that is a time of bad luck, and with ten times, and in your body, can solve heart uncomfortable, revenge mentality is quite heavy.

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