Beard into a man true temperament beard to see success of life

Beard peep man true temperament

, many men are keen on beard beard leave, leave for, can increase a man's charm, also can give remedy from the numerology, if beards keep bad, easy to affect the person's appearance, are more likely to affect the luck, even can bring disaster to the man.Male master Yang, tying Yin, beard is witnessing a masculinity.ifA womanBeard is overweight, it is not good, the reality that kind of woman, the man made, many thin and is more, most of marriage.Beard man have prosperous also have weak, from the degree can be divided into a prosperous and flourishing, light, light the four kind of situations:

Beard into a man true temperament beard to see success of life

Men beard, a black hard, also not good.Such people are more aggressive, strong body, the more impatient, stubborn, and mostly lack of calm, impulsive, he see the fire, very easy to do a wrong, stupid things, let yourself feel regret, li, zhang fei is the representative figure of excessive beard.

Beard, but soft fine beard, such a person, to be more difficult, temper character, is also quite have the courage, but sometimes have two sides, the usual fine is very calm, when doing things, once met great things, it's urgent, especially when he's angry, extremely easy and mood it is hard to control.It more easier to become him, but when command ability still need to have a good experience to do.

Beard light, soft, delicate and pretty, such people more wisdom, wisdom, the bottom of my heart calm, kind, has the ability to also have the courage, they calm careful, he is not surprised, these people the more face events more calm, mostly is an open mind, broad mind, such a person easily done, also easy to become generalship, become command ability of the person also many, is a relatively high success rate.

Beard is very weak, is no whiskers on the mouth, almost no razor.Used to have words, shaving hair, handle affairs not firm, is young and some beard is very weak.Such people are lack of a man's masculinity and domineering, too delicate, timid, many ideas, most have the characteristics of the timid.Has the judgment, but there is no determination, such a person, is to have the opportunity to give him, he also can't catch, let the chance to get away from them in vain, can think of is very good, planning well, decisive action is to depend on others.

Beard and black hard, such a man fit, impulsive, quick temper, he can't calm, it is easy to lose, also easy for their own impulses and make some wrong and stupid.This kind of man is not suitable for beards, especially before the age of 50, best to shave every day just, may be appropriately and some hot temper, let oneself become composed some.Of course not including face defective, need to use beard cover.

Beard but soft, such a man character to be more difficult, have courage, there is energy, but still slightly impatient temper.A smooth life, still can calm calm, organized;But when meet some sudden changes, or do some great things, is often easier to grasp is not good, sometimes emotions out of control, show some extreme behavior.Such a man without any special circumstances also do not recommend beards, especially before the age of 50.

There are some real life, beard exquisite, areas have the face, the nose under the age of 50 is lucky to have the following parts, influence after the age of 50 is lucky to have beards.And skilled beards, also can remedy somefacesOn the defects.

Men before the age of 50, not recommended to keep too much beard, if necessary, also don't exaggerate, such as in the upper half of the mouth is some very simple handsome beard, if a big beard unlucky before he is thirty years old, hinder elders, was forty years old, a big beard, geely, has hurt on his wife and children, including their (the a big beard with a full beard).

For mustache, lower the living for the beard, chin the living for the beard, h buccal living for hu, ear the living for the grey.Mustache XuRan hu head with black, juicy, golden yellow, purple, clear thin, tender for, with yellow, gray, latosolic red, thick cloud, boring, hard to avoid.Auspicious business dacheng, noble support;Avoid all shipped Jian, one's kin punishment.

In general: mustache XuRan hu, thick thick flesh, Lord good character soft, black prosperous prosperous, it is a wise son Bai Runzhe Sun Xiao, yun Jian dry, without seeking quality, noise is much, palm red brown spots, impatient people work not mustache and force;Winding gills middle-aged twists and turns.It is important to note, avoid the pointed chin grow a beard, avoid storage brown russet beard, avoid lock mouth beard, avoid beard throat lock.Women bosses lip mustache, the work is earnest, but the marriage or late, or not happy.

If there are defects around the mouth can consider to use beard to remedy, such as deflection, lines, scars, itself is bad children, above the upper lip beards can be remedied.

Deep wrinkles and not straight, wrinkles entrance, thin or thick lips, wound, scar, is unlucky, can also be a beard to make up for.

Nose, nose, big nostril without meat, can consider to compensate beards, because the nose for wealth, beards properly can prosperous wealth.

Chin represent luck after age 60, if is very small, very pointed chin.Main old age, can consider in chin beard, but best after age 50 to 60 beards, the best effect, can help you rise flourishing age of luck.

Beard looked at the success of life

Hu long ti tang

If beard long and thin, like a rope wear is fine tune, the man coquettish charming personality but not promiscuous, is very affectionate, when investment, is also very single-minded to the sentiment, lovers more tender and considerate, very have interest!With such a person, there may be a feeling of clouds across the wind, because every day the same as in heaven.However, it is not their this enthusiasm for too long, they will soon have a new goal, new lover.So, with this kind of person, must not expecting too much, it is better to get out as soon as possible and refund!These people grew up should be in a good environment, so a good accomplishment and good education would make his noble head position in the future, his glory.

Hu more rough

Beard is long, and the hair is thick, is positive and warm personality, active, like her friends, the taste of the people's congress (NPC) is a bit more rough, yet they are folksy and have a spade, a righteous good loyal friends!Have this friend, will cherish.Baby the name of

Hu less delicate

Hair and beard are few, the double eyebrow should also show this good cause and quietly elegant, otherwise not only appears asymmetric on the vision, also can affect the proportion of the whole face and worst luck.Beard and hair is thick, less is more negative and sociable way have seed the taste of love reason disregard, feeling giving a person seems to also don't care about anything.However, they have very much care about things, but they are very much all the time think it is bad, do not, so everything just too lazy to move.At the same time, fortunes are in a state of stagnation, then need to change their negative personality, positive action.

Hu volume and cheerful

Beard if like screw bending shape, and is just a bottom, thick thin and clear, the person must be intelligent.They blame the idea of Trinidad and Tobago, is also useful, suitable for creative work or become activists, hong far, don't look only at the moment, don't look at the future, or just look at individual, don't look at the overall, can be a good planner or leadership subordinates on the job and be suddenly enlightened, mind KuanHuai, can yet be regarded as a good friend, good lover, a good husband.

Hu lu strongly

Beard stiffness, such as the open of the ji, the larger ambitions, work must be planned, the sense that gives a person is a bit rude, but actually also has its careful side, just not too easy to see.They are belong to the leading character, it is general manner.If after starting to own hard work and luck, in the future must be great, powerful.

Hu Liang into less

Beard is pure and fresh and clear, like a shiny silver bar that is also a great young ignorant.This kind of person will into a successful career at a young age, or become important figures in politics.Name the test scores

Big expensive Hu Zisheng bright

If a person's beard is black red purple, brow like a sword, loud voice, is the form to gold bureau, its big expensive.

Random officer heavy

Beard like Qiu fluffy strength was again spread, and sometimes long behind the ear, if can be combined with relaxed spirit and exotic bones, even become a vassal in the thousands of territories, when the prime minister of ten years.According to now, it is to be the important political figure.

Auxiliary must long below the offence

Auxiliary must (born, two cheeks, chin beard) if the first long, is order reversed, as the symbol of upside down.Such people are usually not filial piety, the lot of the six relations are low, for supervisor and elders will have contradiction, finally result in failure.

People without hu to others

If people no long beard, no, bad for one's career.And the person's luck in middle age, will lose a lot of opportunities, side little more at the same time, is also much, serious when they have jail or property damage.

Hu after nasal Mao Yun slim

If nose hair beard, attachment is convinced that earth's water, is not fate, no future, no.

Short covering mouth hu poor starve

If be mustache covered the mouth, convinced that what is "power" of the Lord without eloth, so life will be poor starve.

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