Dream of amethyst

Dream of amethyst is what mean?Dream dream of amethyst?Dream of amethyst with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of amethyst detailed solution.

Dream of amethyst

Dream of amethyst, said satisfied with a fair deal.

youngA womanDream of lost amethyst, portends a broken promise and lost love.

Crystal dream, represents the social and emotional.

Dream of the waterCrystal vessels or craft, it shows that you are pure, and very charismatic, deeply beloved by members of the opposite sex.

Men dreamed of crystal, which indicates that you are a very heavy sentiment, portends a you will have a clean and pure emotion.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: if gems plays a significant role in a dream, so they are almost always marks the all things important to you.They may be a person's personality and characteristics, such as pure, perfect, true and reliable, even including the core content of personal temperament.As long as people understand yourself for content, then will know the value of these things, understand their environment and may experience, and so on.If you try to up the mountain or into the cave to find gems, said you are honing their, hope to establish good character to itself, in order to obtain the development in the future.If you in the dream points gem, try to give them estimate, it means you still needs time to think.

Psychological analysis: the interpretation of dreams according to the different characteristics of all kinds of stones have different explanations, amethyst marks the medical treatment, recovery, to dream plays a good effect.In addition, it also said humility, spiritual peace, trust, self-discipline and desist, resigned.

Spiritual symbol: from the spiritual point of view, the gem and its explanation can prompt the development of the people, full of positive significance.

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