Dream of the crystal

Dream of crystal is what mean?Dream dream of crystal?Dream of crystal has the effect of reality and reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of crystal the detailed solution.

Dream of the crystal

Dream of the waterCrystal, predict life happiness, difficulties will be readily solved, everything goes well.

On the spiritual level, also said you focus on their spiritual world, emotional world and explore.

Dreamed of receiving a gift crystal act the role ofing is tasted, will get the true love.

Women dream of crystal ornaments, others give yourself symbol will be a partner.

Dreamed of crystal products, to give others indicated that can have a further development.

Lost my crystal, dreamed that presage a burst in the heart of the dream.

Dream of craft crystal, indicated recently in contact with people you will win great success.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: crystal in dreams often represent the crystallization of thoughts and feelings.It touches people's heart of hearts, make your express no words can express things before.

Psychological analysis: the crystallization process in ancient times considered absorb light and force of the process.Many people subconsciously often dreamt of crystallization process.Dream of crystal says you realize yourself is the power of development.

Spiritual symbol: on the spiritual level, the crystal is the symbol of receiving and transmitting the spirit energy.

Dreamed of crystal case analysis

Description: dream the dream, I came to a glittering and translucent crystal world, in that is known as the "world" crystal mall, filled with all kinds of crystal products, these products technology exquisite, modelling is unique, give a person a kind of beautiful enjoyment.(female, 24 years old)

Dream dream resolution: crystal, represents the social and emotional.Dream of crystal vessels or craft, it shows that you are pure, and very charismatic, deeply beloved by members of the opposite sex.It is a dream means that you will be successful in our social.Dream of crystal, show that you are a very heavy sentiment, portends a you will have a clean and pure emotion.

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