Dream of bonus

Dream of bonuses is what mean?Dream dream of bonus?Dream of reality and the influence of the reaction, the bonuses are also a dream of subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of bonus detailed solution.


A man dreamed of his bonus, prestige will be improved.

A womanDreamed of his bonus, it suggests that may be the parents' money.

Such as dream of boss to send you an envelope, inside money, suggest you will get a promotion or trust.Business people do such a dream, is originally an adverse situation, will be a surprise turnaround, the business will be a great success.

Men dreamed of winning, means saving face all things, it will suffer.

Women dream of winning, means to endure a lot of injustice in the family, praised by the neighbours.

Officials dream of bonus, means good at motivating others, and become the head of the department.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: get a bonus in the dream, imply that you successfully eliminate the major obstacles, you also get the others to admit what you did the work.Dreamed of reward to others, said you openly admit that others pay hard work.

Psychoanalysis: each item has its own value.Personal development to pay for the cost of the perseverance, perseverance, humility, and even had to give up some pursuit.

Spiritual symbol: in spirit level, dream get bonuses is a sign that you are able to coordinate their instinct and intuition, and inspiration.

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