Dream of jewelry

Dream of jewelry is what mean?Dream dream of jewelry?Dream of reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of jewelry detailed solution.

Dream of jewelry

Dream jewelry according to different categories to explain.Dreamed of general several jewelry symbolA womanAnd the son.Of the countless treasure, is the words of the Koran, knowledge and read praise Allah.

Dream of wearing a Jane geology necklace is familiar with and understand the Koran.Or shoulder, a pious heir more signs of prestige.

Dreamed that necklace and not get or not wear is the symbol of knowledge without character.

Dream of wearing earrings are educated or signs of the transmission of knowledge.Women dream of wearing earrings is a symbol of her husband or son.Dream out pearl is a word or a symptom of lecturing, or interpretation is the main symptom of recite the Koran.

Dream will eat pearls or pearl contains is to god's words (the Koran) hidden in the heart and pretend ignorance, those who were not exposed to people.And he said, dreaming that eat pearl is self-taught and I learn the lesson.

Dream will be sprinkled dunghill on the road or street, pearl to shown to impart the knowledge and philosophy should not be accepted.

Dream of gold and silver inlaid with a pearl collar is a symbol of commitment.Say again such as dream of symbol without countless pearl hidden valuable wealth.

He dreams of wealth beads is not risk.Some say useless talk and knowledge.Dream of a small amount of perforation symbol of beads for maids and servants.

Dreamed of men use adornment, according to its value symbol dreamer's personality.

Dream of a decorative belt, represent a huge wealth and honour penetration.Or will get an authority, middle-aged people dream for beaded belt, is to become rich or birth sign.Dream of several belt around his waist and the dream is the best.Dream of break or fall off from the waist belt or damage, this is a phenomenon of calamity.

Man is your dream with the crown as the son of heaven as the symbol of the glory of rather than the later.Dream is like wearing a crown of gold and silver jewelry, this is a symbol of wealth.However, is the symbol of abandoned sect.

In unmarried women dream of wearing a crown, is to marry a foreign dignitaries.

Dream of wearing a collar or necklace to show will be entrusted with some affairs.

Man's dream Dai Jie refers to is a symbol of power and wealth.Dream of dielectric refers to the accident is the symbol of power and wealth changes.Dream of a gift so is a dielectric refers to the solution.According to the specific situation or for the wives and children, or for livestock.

Authority of people dream of Dai Jie refers to is the symbol of achieve their aspirations and wish.Other people do this dream will be according to the specific situation and for the rights and interests of personal identity.

Dream of the ring lost to lose weight.

Dream of ring were stolen or damaged to the power and property suffered misfortune.It seeks the cause of unexpected difficulties will occur.

Dreaming that interface refers to the best set with precious stones, dreaming that interface were destroyed and gem remaining, to show to lose weight loss of wealth and reputation in the world never vanished for a long time.

Men dreamed of wearing women adornment of good omen.For example, a man's dream to wear bracelets that life is difficult and unhappy.Dream to wear anklet to misfortune and fear even have arrested were evident.Dream wear arm ChuanYu distress in life or in a spat between sister friends.Dream to wear anklet ominous, the other is auspicious signs.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream to wear jewelry string, Lord always satisfied, GuLu heavy full figure."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream jewelry out ACTS the maker, the main signs of vain."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

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