Dream of treasure

What is the meaning of dream of treasure?Dream dream of treasure?Dream of treasure have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up help you dream of treasure of the detailed solution.

Dream of treasure

Dream of precious stones, is a symbol of luck and get.

If the dream of colorless gems, suggesting that will give birth to boys, on the other hand, will give birth to a girl.

If the dream of shining gem, hinted at.

Dream of buying gems, means his calculation, is likely to be mugged.

A womanDream of precious stones, is auspicious.

Men dreamed of gem, to his doom.

Man's dream of buying gems, property will be bandits looted.

Women dream of with gemstone jewelry, the bride's family to the wedding.

Thieves and dreamed of gemstone jewelry will be put into prison.

Men dreamed of lost jewel, means that evil will leave yourself, after a storm comes a calm.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream gems into months, Pepsi is auspicious."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: dream treasures said very important content for the dreamer.Treasure represents the personal effort and success.Found the buried treasure means to rediscover the loss of content, is likely to be a part of their character.Buried treasure said armed themselves against future and problems remaining to be solved.

Psychological analysis: if the dreamer finds a treasure, said he knew: if he wants to accomplish something in the exploration, must cross limit his condition.Looking for treasure symbolize the found worldwide wealth or does not necessarily lead to good material benefits.

Spiritual symbol: dream of treasure, spiritual symbol of the human yearning to big wiser or yearning for the fabled holy grail.

Dream of treasure

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