Dream of collection of precious objects

Dream of collection of precious objects is what mean?Dream dream of collection of precious objects, ok?Dream of collection of precious objects have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you dreamed of collection of precious objects of the detailed solution.

Dream of collection of precious objects

Dream to hide it, precious objects accidentally put your family scandal leak outward.

Pick up money dream or picked up valuables, pay attention to the daily life, may be caused by careless loss, or will be lost something important.

Dream of the valuables lost, can lead to disaster.

Dream lost valuables, love will be covered with dark clouds.Maybe the other side of the family are in trouble, make his mood often uncomfortable.Also woebegone in dating, has been disappointing.

Dream collection of precious objects of case analysis

Dream description: I dreamed of home money, passbook, gold and silver jewelry, electrical appliances, the valuables are lost, but the top of the wardrobe clothes clothes neatly placed, the following is itself a hanging clothes were neatly folded up and put together, the cabinets is on the loose hairThe quiltAlso is very neat, I was crying in the dream, please help me to solve it.

Resolution: dream dreamed of valuables lost, predicted great things will happen in the home, suggest you need to be careful.

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