Duke of zhou interprets: the dream of the omen of sexual behavior (6)

Dream incest need comfort relatives

6, dream incest need comfort relatives

If the dream of relatives, elders have sex with the opposite sex dreams, such as sex objects is father or mother, psychoanalytic theory is the dreamer of "incest desire" psychological reflection, called it "the DiPu complex".Psychologists, however, research shows that: "incest sexual desire seldom appears in a dream, on the contrary it will appear with metaphor and symbol, which tend to dream a nightmare."This dream usually implies that you encounter a few difficulties, hope to get family member's identity, or can be good communication with their families, but turned into sex scenes in a dream.According to particular dream, there is also a psychologist explained, such as dream of sexual intercourse with a married woman, said the dreamer "can be saved";Dream of sex, and mother said he could "get a lot of wisdom".

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