Waking dream is illusory

Ancient indians ideas about dreams is very unique, they think the dreams can become reality in the material world, we are at the same time, we are in the "real world" in nature is but a fantasy dream.In other words, the dream as real as reality, and the so-called real world fantasy like a dream.Indian people believe that dreams and there is no essential difference between "real world".India's view of dreams and China or any other nation has a big different, the belief that the ancient Chinese or indians, dream is the soul experience the "real" events, as well as real life is real.A boy is dreaming my head out of the soul of the serpentine actually exist, and did eat in saliva, the small ditch;Went to the flowers.While indians think the dream and the "real" world though essentially no difference, but they weren't true, the dream is unreal, "reality" is equally illusory, nothing happen "real events".

Waking dream is illusory _ duke of zhou interprets

In India there are many about a person in the dream in the classic into another person's story, and in the story they woke up, found that the dream will be accurate."The woman history of xi zhou yu more coffee," there is a specific dream story.

In the north side of more prosperous country, have a kind king called la volo, he was born in He Li candy more noble family.One day, a mage bowed to the king and said: "your majesty, you sit on the throne at this wonderful tricks."Wizard waved his Kong Yu feather's wand, an artificial from faith came, holding a horse;When the king looked at the horse, he still stay on his throne, his eyes glaze over, like lost in thought.His courtiers worried, but they still remain silent.Every minutes later, the king woke up, had fallen from his throne.He fell the servants hastily to hold him, the king asked puzzled: "what is this place?""Who is this palace?"Until he finally feel after he told this story: "I is riding a horse look at the sorcerer waving a magic wand.I have the illusion is riding a horse go hunting alone.Go away, I went to a big desert, across the desert to a jungle, one under the treeClimbing the mountainTiger attacked me, my arms hanging in a tree.I hung in there, and the horse from my here goes.I stayed in the tree for a night, no sleep, horror.I get to the next day, he saw a black young woman holding shing food jars, because I'm Russian, and I asked her to give me something to eat.She told me she was a pariah, said if I marry her, and she gave me food.I agreed, after she gave me food, she brought me back to her village, where I got married with her, salty adopted a pariah.

"She bore me two sons and two daughters, I spent 6 years there with her, was wearing smelly, mildew, and full of wrap cloth Ji lice drinking I kill still lukewarm beast, to eatThe fireBurial grounds.Although I am Wang Fu only son, but I am old, grey hair, dressed in rags, I forgot I was a king;More and more, I firmly believe that I am a pariah.One day, when a terrible famine.A massive drought and forestThe fireOccurs, I took my family to escape into the forest.My wife is awake, I said to my little boy,

& lsquo;To bake my meat to eat.& rsquo;He agreed, this is his only hope to sustain life.

I was dismembered, when he was ready to bake my meat woodpile, was about to throw me into the woodpile, at this critical moment, I, the king down from the throne.So I was.& lsquo;Hurrah!Hurrah!& rsquo;Music cries of the wake up.This is an illusion of the sorcerer give me prepare."When the king pull when he finished the story, the sorcerer suddenly disappeared.So all the courtiers was so stunned, widened their eyes, said: "my goodness, this is not a magician;This is the illusion of god, that we recognize the material world is purely spiritual illusion."To prepare the next day the king really go to the desert, determined to find again that his mental images reflect the unproductive.Journey along the way, he and his ministers a until I find a piece of as great as his dream of the desert, to his surprise, he found all the things he dreamed, he knew he was his acquaintances untouchable hunter, he found the adopted him as a pariah of the village.Saw this with the man.Woman, all the things that people use, drought attacked the forest, hunters have lost parents to children.He saw the old woman was his wife's mother.He asked her, "what happened here?Who are you?"She told him a story: a king here with her daughter got married, they have children, later to the drought, the whole village is dead.The king is very consternation, full of mercy.He asked more questions, her answer steep convinced him that thisA womanAbout is his stories when untouchable.So he returned to the city and his palace, the people there to welcome him back.

From the story of this dream, indians led to their unique dream view and world view.The classic, in the end of the pull volo dreams and experiences, shiva xi history more explained:

"Ignorance caused all this that happened didn't happen, like a personal dream of himHe died.Spirit does experience itself is caused by things, though it doesn't really exist;On the other hand, they are not real.Untouchable village what happened, "he said to the king to pull it to the image of his spirit, they are both real and unreal, or pull volo directly see the illusion of a kind of consciousness can be seen in the untouchables spirit awareness.He's image in the mind of untouchables.Because as quite similar language appears in many people's hearts, as in similar time too.Space behavior also appears in the hearts of many people, even as in a dream.Just as the mind can forget what happened, no matter what the important things.Also, people can exactly memory for certain things to happen, even if it did not happen."

In the minds of India, there is no "real events," the spirit of the people in the dream, in daily life experience of various events, for his spirit, is actually took place.And different people's spiritual consciousness or mind will appear in the same event, as if everyone to do a dream, in this case it is believed that such a thing happened in truth is not illusory dreams.This view is clearly not a materialist.Indian this view, are not popular in China, only zhuangzi had, chuang tzu said: "I dreamed that I was a butterfly, woke up and thought, is ZhuangZhou dream became a butterfly, or a butterfly dreaming become ZhuangZhou?"Another Indian dream story as if it is to answer ZhuangZhou and speak:

Once upon a time, there was a strange things like imagine monks.His years trying all the time, quickly lost.One day, a illusions suddenly attacked him: "it's interesting, I will go through happens in the pimitive."He had this idea, he inexplicably changed into another person's appearance, the man's identity and name, even if it is caused by the spirit.Due to purely accidental event, it happened that when a raven tree, a palm fruit drop down just hit on his head, he thought, "I am jambha tuo."The dreamer jambha tuo in a dream a town pleasure for a long time.

Waking dream is illusory

The duke of zhou interprets of query