The first modern "duke of zhou interprets dreams analysis clinic therefore should not

At the beginning of 2004 Shanghai first dream analysis outpatient quietly was born in a hospital in Shanghai's changning district.

9 at 9 am, reporters came to the western suburbs of green hospital (i.e., changning district mental health center).A European ward building show.Dream analysis the clinic at the end of the outpatient service building 3 floor footpath, next door is a common psychological consulting room.

The first modern "duke of zhou interprets dreams analysis clinic not therefore _ duke of zhou interprets

Dream analysis medical doctor wang said, because of every visitor to more in-depth understanding, she received six most visitors a day, time spent on each person's average for an hour.She said "the dream" therapy, unlike other treatments, it needs special patient's trust in the doctors.Complete parsing a dream, is not enough to talk once or twice, in a foreign country emphasis on long-range analysis, only a doctor has become a close friend of the patient, the patient will tell to dream, and recall past experience.Only in this way can also achieve satisfactory therapeutic effect.She says many visitors are established a long-term contact with her.

Reporters learned that dream analysis of outpatient charge standard is one yuan per minute.

The analysis of the dream was

"The dream is a symbolic language, this is not the average person can understand, need to be engaged in professional dream analysis & lsquo;Translation & rsquo;Out.", fudan university, vice chairman of Shanghai psychological society psychology research center director sun into said, "the dream" the doctor should have a profound and long-term clinical experience, and compared with the visitors to have further contact and communication, so as to let visitors really know themselves, so as to achieve the effect of treatment.

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