Dream of suicide were blocked

Dream of suicide were blocked what meaning be?Dream dream of suicide were blocked?Dream of suicide were blocked with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of suicide were blocked the detailed solution.

Dream of suicide were blocked

Dream of you want to commit suicide, but was blocked by the people don't succeed, this means that you will be refreshed, put aside all the pressure, to complete the mission impossible.

Dreamed you prevent someone commit suicide, said your relationships will improve, slowly to welcome.

Dreamed that he committed suicide, indicate the dreamer's healthy body, no disease no disaster.

Dream of others in the suicide, will be worried.

A womanDream of suicide, means that the husband will be rich;

A womanDream of the husbandSuicide, and the affection between husband and wife problems;

Dream of the wifeSuicide, means no trouble in the family, can live a happy life;

Dream of friend committed suicide, means that friends don't want to worry about dreaming of things, without the help of friends at a difficult time;

Dream of an enemy suicide, means that the adversary and no longer see a dream for an enemy, the relationship between the expected to benign development;

The police dream of others to commit suicide, for failing to perform their duties, will be punished.

Traders dream of suicide, will benefit;

The patient dreamed of suicide, the body quickly restored to health.

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