Dream of beating

Dream of the play is what mean?Dream dream of beating?Dream of beating a reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of the dozen of detailed solution.

Dream of beating

Beating is physically intimate contact, friendship.

Dream of beating others, means of people struggling with, get the praise of others.

Dream of instigated others hit people, beaten person could be your best friend.

Dream of beating others, will get others praise.

Dreamed that he was beaten by had nothing to do with his people.Is the omen of bad luck and failure.

Dream of her lover being beaten, means two people will be more deep love, and their love is eternal.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: play is physically intimate contact, a symbol of friendship.

Psychoanalysis: what does it mean to dream of beating others, for himself, dedication to get the praise of others;Dream of abetting others hit persons, is auspicious.Beaten who will be your good friend.Dreaming that I am beaten by people who has nothing to do, is the failure and unlucky omen.If the dream finally killed, indicated that all the pain and disaster will close, will live a very happy life.If is the patient do this dream, the body will soon recover.Dream of playing his own chest, is writing on the wall.

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