Dream of the wife

What's the meaning of dream of wife?Dream dream of wife?Dreamed that his wife has a real impact and response, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of his wife's detailed solution.

Dream of the wife

This is your life partner, in a man's dreams are often there will be a wife.So what about his wife's dream which indicated?

Constitutes a dream hug his wife, that you will sow discord between husband and wife, will and his wife separated or separated.More recently, therefore, when dealing with his wife, notes, and then home.Dream argue with my wife, this means conjugal love, happiness, happy life.

Dream of and his wife separated, suggesting that in real life to his wife is very love you, because you are too care about her, so worried that she will leave you, so you can double love wife.

Dream of the wifeCrazy, means, whether his work, his wife will try to give yourself a warm family happiness, good to oneself heart and soul.

Dream of wife hold pigs, suggested that his wife will bear rich blessing be satisfactory to both sides of the fetus.Along with the growth of children, the estate will be more prosperous, children will grow up to be entrepreneurs, and could lead to a sudden wealth.

Dream to give her a poison, suggesting that the couple harmony, love, happiness, can grow old together.

Dream of opium to wife.This is a good omen, your child may be far away from you because of health problems, therefore, should pay attention to the child's physical condition, mental condition recently, the problem is solved in time, so also can resolve.

Dream of wife writing, pay attention to the relationship between husband and wife, may both of you because something is make antinomy, should have a good communication, best can resolve contradictions, otherwise, you might be a beat two scattered, meaning a cut.

Dream of his wife in the delivery of garbage, it is the symbol of auspicious, you may get the father-in-law's house property.Dream of wife draw, means that his wife would be worry trapped, infected with the disease.At this point, you should treat your wife with more care and help her to troubleshoot.

Dream of married a noisy wife, said busy life, comfortable and happy.

If seeing his wife was adultery with others in the dream, also said you chafed under present situation.

Dream of his own wife married someone else that his wife may encounter bad things such as natural disasters, take extra care.

Dreamed that his wife was dead, said she would live long, couples harmony.

Dream of wife young many, family happiness, happiness.

Prisoners dream of quarrel with his wife, to see his wife dream soon, and will be conjugal love.

Widower who dream of late wife, with an educatedA womanTo get marriedAnd she would be the cause of his assistant.

A man unconscious dream of his wife, his wife is in labor, is about to get a lovely child.

The married man dreamed that his wife suddenly fainted, coma, signs of his wife has a miscarriage, want to go to the hospital in time for review, make sure that both doing well.

Dream of his own wife to cheat, said you are not satisfied, but instead for some extra effort, to get a promotion, get the admiration of the people around you, that relationship will be better.If the latest derailed dreamed that his wife had quarreled with his wife, husband, indicated that the relationship will be friends.

Dream of quarrel with his wife, family harmony, happiness of life.If it is with the family separation, haven't seen his wife's people dream of a quarrel with her, said it would see wife soon.

Zhouyi dream

Wife in man's dream, no symbolic significance, is his wife.

In a dream or in reality, you and your wife relationship includes you and your mother or your "nima" relationship.

See the dead wife is a common dream.Try to feel her, love her in your heart, not just the presence of an external.

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