Dream of suicide

Dream of suicide is what mean?Dream dream of suicide?Dream of suicide have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed about suicide detailed solution.

Dream of suicide

Dreamed that he committed suicide, usually indicates you are determined to end the "I" in the past, such as to eliminate a bad aspects in mind, forget a past, abandon the habit, or to end a relationship, and so on, to start a new life.

May imply the dream of others to commit suicide, life pressure, is worried.

marriedA womanDreamed that he committed suicide, may signal the husband will get promoted, or make a fortune, status changes, wealth and well-being of life, into a new stage of different from before.

Her husband,Dream of the wifeCommitted suicide, said family peace, and happiness of life, you will be more love his wife.

A womanDream of the husbandSuicide, may and her husband separated for a period of time.

Dreamed of a friend suicide that when in trouble, you may lose the support of friends.

Police dreamed someone commit suicide, also suggested that there may be mistakes in our work, feel remorse for failing to fully responsible, your heart may be punished.

Traders dream of suicide, indicated that will make a big deal, earn a lot of money, the business to the next level.

Remain vigilant dreamed that the adversary and suicide, that there may be a more powerful force.

Patient dreamed about suicide, indicated that the body can recover soon.

Dream of a childSuicide, thisThe child, on behalf of your own inner childish, impulsive, don't understand, immature side of self.Suicide, which reflect the stubborn strong thought, but will hurt yourself.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Knife of suicide, and business."The duke of zhou interprets"

See, suicide, and leave."The duke of zhou interprets"

See his wife to commit suicide, Fred."The duke of zhou interprets"

See friends committed suicide, and less power."The duke of zhou interprets"

See suicide, master with a silver spoon in her mouth."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream to suicide.Dream knife axe commit suicide the dead, the fortune;Suicide and not dead, also.Especially incised wound bleeding, gain, no blood is fierce."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: suicide dream to make you notice a violent end solution or a relationship.Suicide is angry with his signal.In addition, it also means a business or the end of a relationship.

Psychological analysis: from the emotional observation, the dream of suicidal behavior may imply that no longer has the ability to adapt to life in a certain situation, but it doesn't mean that in real life you also has a tendency to commit suicide.Dream suicide just said deliberately over a certain stage of life.

Spirit: on the spiritual path, must often give up the old self.This is performance for suicidal behavior in the dream.

Dream of the case study of suicide

The dream description: I don't know why, these days my mood is depressed, even dream will dream of bad things.I dreamed that he didn't want to live, ready to commit suicide.I put the hanging on the heating pipe, is preparing to commit suicide, was mother discovered, saved me.(women, 16 years old)

Resolution: dream dream of suicide, represents the stress and depression.Dreamed that he committed suicide, it shows that your pressure is too big, should learn to decompression for yourself.Dream of others to commit suicide, show your attitude to life is too depressed.

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