Dream of punishment

Dream of punishment is what mean?Dream dream of punishment?Dream of punishment has reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of punish the detailed solution.

Dream of punishment

Dream of you were disciplined, said you too cautious conservative in your work.

Dreamed you punish others, said you have work, in love partner will be in a bad temper.

Parents dream of corporal punishment children, said in the aspect of discipline children helpless, but I still can raise them become useful.

Man has been punished, fame and fortune;

manDream of the wifeBe punished, parents will inherit law underground treasure;

A womanDream of penalty, to quarrel with her husband;

Dreaming that I am the enemy was severely punished, to surrender the enemy;

Dreamed that he escaped punishment, it means that the disaster happen.

Dream of punish his wife, husband and wife a happy life, goodwill;

Dream of punishment of relatives and friends, home to quarrel;

Dream of punish children, means money and treasures will be plentiful;

Dream of punish the enemy, will be promoted;

Dream of punish officials at a lower level, because the plot, will lose;

Dream of accept punishment, loses a friend and supporter.

Dream of the judge sentenced the criminals, promotion a raise;

Dreamed that he was harsh sentencing by the court, meaning that the career;

A womanDream of the husband, they had toGave birth to a girl;

Dreamed of a friend was sentenced, will encounter a lot of dangerous;

Dreamed that the enemy was concerning, will defeat the enemy;

Accused man dreamed that he was obvious, the court will withdraw the charges against him;

Dreaming that I am the case is serious, but there was no replacement, warning will be popular with people;

Dreamed that his case is lighter, but the tough sentences, career;

Dreamed that he was sentenced to death by hanging, and all the difficulties will pass away.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: when a child see you is difficult to meet the expectations of adults, and often worried and afraid to be punished.While adults usually qualified achievement in fear, also dreamed myself through punishment.If you fail to meet the demands on their own, often in a dream to own punishment.

Psychoanalysis: if you met a difficult to solve the dispute, may he dreamed that he suffered from punishment, this is his crisis, the only way out.You psychologically more desire to bear the pain of punishment, it solve a problem is more easy and convenient.

Spiritual symbol: know they made great efforts to the successful completion of the development of steps is the greatest punishment to a spiritual.

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