Dream of disaster

Dream of disaster is what mean?Dream dream of disaster?Dream of disaster with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of disaster detailed solution.

Dream of disaster

Dream of the disaster happen, is happy auspicious.

Dreamed that he, unfortunately, is a good sign.

Dream of others suffering, relatives and friends will be good luck.

Dream of the wifeOr children meet disaster, he will cause great trouble to oneself.

The patient dreamed that he had become the victims of the disaster, body will recover soon.

Army generals to dreaming that I was unfortunate, to defeat the enemy, victory.

Dream of psychology

The main economic sign dream explanation: disaster.

Psychological analysis: the dream of the disaster happen, is auspicious of happiness.Dream of another disaster, relatives and friends will be good luck.The patient dreamed that he had become the victims of the disaster, body will recover soon.Businessman dreaming that I was unfortunate, to beat the competition, benefit.

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