Dream of the scandal

What's the meaning of a dream of scandal?Dream dream of scandal?Dream of scandals have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of scandal detailed solution.

Dream of the scandal

Dreamed that he was someone else's slander, or make a scandal, and indicated that you will be famous, or get promoted, career or a career.

Unmarried men dreamed of a scandal that might have noble girl to marry you.

Young girl dreaming that I get out of the scandal, says is very popular with the opposite sex, soon there will be a lot of people asked you to marry him.

A womanDreamed that he slandered, or scandals, says life is innocence.

Dream of the wifeThe scandal, promises to be husband and wife feelings.

Dream of the enemy out of the scandal, suggest you will defeat the enemy.

Dream of friends make a scandal that will get promoted.

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