Dreamed that snake in the evening

If the dream in the nightDream of the snakeHave what mean?

On September 6, at night, I dreamed of my father let me to go with him to catch a snake, said to his nose, and then we caught a lot of small snake, when we were in the catch suddenly appeared from behind a short and thickBlack snakeAnd almost bites me, luckily I dodged.What can I do this dream mean?

The originalDuke of zhou interpretsDream of the snake:

Snake into the oven officer to - meaningDream of the dragonOr the snake will be promoted into the kitchen;

Snake, dragon noble help - meaning snake chan, there will be a nice people that will help you when travel;

The woman see dragon born a son - meaningA pregnant womanDream of dragon will be born a have ambition of children;

snakekillThe main big fierce - mean dreamed of the dragon or snake killing will big fierce;

Snakes come to fortune - mean dream of snake bite will make a fortune;

The snake in your arms birth - meaningPregnant women dream of snakesInto his arms will have a promise of children;

Aking removed water NaZhu glory - mean dream of snake around in the water will be a promotion;

Snake with external to wife - mean dream of snake with others to walk, his wife will have an affair;

The snake into the valley, the main breath - mean dream of snake on the road to walk will fight or argue with others;

The snake around the body mean birth - pregnant womenDream of the snake withWill birth;

The snake bulls Lord - which means the nether worldDream of a lot of snakesThere will be the nether world;

Red and black snake master your breath - meaningDream of black snakeWill quarrel or conflict with others;

Lord has appeal - snake huangbai mean dream of yellow or white snake will be provided;

Birds go snakes come to introduce - mean dreamt that there will be a bird fly away or snakes into home help yourself.

The dream of modern analytic:

·Women dream of snakesAnd put it in her arms, have a son predicting;

·A womanThe dream of a dead snake bite yourself, said she was playing with friends under the guise of malicious framed;

Women dream of his fingersBitten by the snakeBleeding, suggesting that the dreamer themselves and their children are likely to fall ill, usually pay attention to diet health;

Dreamed of a snake, will soon break up;

Businessman, dreamed of a snake - can make a fortune;

Dream of snake bites, yourself - and be good luck, life would be abundance;

·Dream of snake bitesWife, is writing on the wall, will encounter sad misfortune;

Dreamed that the enemy was bitten by the snake, the enemy will kill each other, finally both sides;

·Dreaming that killed the snake-- can conquer the enemy;

Dream of snakes, drilling hole, home will be stolen or robbed;

Capture, dreamed of snakesThe mouseOr frogs -- would be unfortunate message;

Dream of snake and cat fight -- all the disaster will be past;

·Dream of bitten by snakes- and then kill the snake and snake, after marry will find ideal object;The married men will have an affair or will have a son;

·The dream of python- will be affected byThe crocodileOr other reptiles injury;

Dreamed of andboaA confrontation, and finally escaped, can signal from the clutches of the enemyescapeCome out.Marry will find ideal object;The married men will have an affair or will have a son;

Dream of python, take crocodile or other reptiles damage;

Dream of confrontation with the snake, finally escaped - signal can escaped from the clutches of the enemy;

Dream about all sorts of color of the snake:

Snake is clever and is regarded as the awakening of inner strength, if a snake in the dream is colorful, and let the dreamer feel a special kind of joy, and then it may represent the spiritual strength of intuition and wisdom;If the dreamer has religious belief, which may suggest that the dreamer's spiritual for growing, even if the dreamer has specific beliefs, it also represents the dreamer has good relations and their own inner wisdom, should make the best use of our own intuition, get unexpected results.

Dream of green snake bite the hand that is a good omen, means that the dreamer carefree life;

Dream of green snake bite the hands of his wife, means that the dreamer love a feeling of happiness;

Pregnant women dream of green snake, suggests that the dreamer baby will be healthy growth.Dream of the red snake, means that the dreamer will have wedding happen;

Unmarried men and women dream of the red snake, suggests that the dreamer in the near future may find Mr Right, they will be very happy;

Married men and women dream of the red snake, suggests that the dreamer children will be happy, be happy growth;

Dream of the red snake patients, suggesting that the dreamer body will soon recover.

Dream of green snake, suggests that the dreamer may have a bad message, let oneself not happy;

Dream that the white is a good omen, is rich omen;

Pregnant women dream of her in my arms, he suggests that the dreamer is going to have a smart beautiful daughter.

Dream of grasp, kill,Beat the snake:

Dream of to kill a snake, indicating that is a good omen, the dreamer will rule out difficult, everything goes well

Dreaming that I amKilled the snake, suggesting that the dreamer can conquer the enemy, or defeat the rival.

Dreamed that he cut off the snake, portends a dreamer temporarily haven't meet with difficulties, even if all difficulties can be solved, find a way to overcome the difficulties.

Dream of catch a snake, because the snake is the symbol of sex, the dreamer will naturally doping some anger, for the sex, it is suggested that dreamer in hungry condition.

Dream ofA lot of snakes:

Stay at home dreamed of snakes, suggesting that the dreamer will be for a very long time;

Dreamed of a snake, suggesting that the dreamer may not live together with their parents for long, will soon break up;

Traders dream of a snake, indicate the dreamer can make a fortune.

Dream about snakes from home middle reaches out, means that the dreamer in recent economic relative before will be some difficulties, maybe this period of time, more money.

Dreaming that I am surrounded by a lot of snakes, said the dream has been jealous of others, and these people might think some counsel to let his bad reputation to remind the dreamer common to pay more attention to their words and deeds, never to give offence.

Dream of the snake is dead:

Dreamt that he killed the snake or cut off, this is a fine dream, although recently said dreamer meet with many difficulties, but to be able to fix, troubles will soon be eliminated.

Dream of the snake, is good omen, suggests that the dreamer will have good luck;

Dream of a dead snake, means that the dreamer will be rich;

Dream of a lot of dead snake, harmonious family relationship harmony means dreamer;

Traders dream of dead snake, means the dreamer wisdom will soon find yourself making money for the new project.

Dreamed of was chased by the snake:

Dream ofChased by a snake, the snake has a characteristic, its attack is poison to eat first, and those who were not poison snake is directly.So, when we feel devoured by someone or something, is easy to do snakes chasing dreams.

Dreamed of snakes are near himself, to remind the dreamer in daily life, pay attention to their words and deeds, the person also to a low profile, to prevent was framed by man;

Have dreamed that he was chased by the snake, is the health warnings, suggests that the dreamer is probably the most easy to catch cold is in the state of the contrast, absolutely not strong, feel hot, a little to see the doctor earlier;

Chase his dream of snake run, suggesting that the dreamer may have big creditor door-to-door collection, or the recent spending will increase;

Dream of snake around the buildings, chasing him suggests that the dreamer may be related to real estate debt relations;

Dream of snake break board, the debt disrupted the dreamer financial plan as a whole.

Dream of bitten by snakes:

Dreaming that I am bitten by snakes, suggesting that the dreamer is not afraid of disaster, both will have good luck, fortune, happy life;

Dreamed that he was bitten by the snake bite, bite, said the dreamer is possible violations, recently the physical assault let yourself feel very uncomfortable, perhaps is a kind of sexual harassment cases of the disgusting to outwit you: recently, on the other hand also on behalf of the dreamer's health bright red light, to pay more attention to.

Dreaming that I am in the water was bitten by a snake, indicate the dreamer bite by the part may be a potential area;

Pregnant women dreaming that I am bitten by snakes, means that the dreamer will gave birth to a boy, if hypertrophy clumsy snake, is means that gave birth to the child is very clever;

Unmarried people dream of snake bites, and then kill snake snake after coming back to life, means that the dreamer will find the ideal object.

Dream of the wifeBitten by the snake, suggesting that the dreamer may have some recent make oneself not happy things happen, so long as own optimistic face, actually what will find no;

Dream of children bite by a snake, is to remind the dreamer must pay attention to the family peace, and create a warm and happy family environment for children, if the family discord, will bring sorrow and misfortune;

Dream of my fatherBitten by the snake, is auspicious, means that the dreamer will have good things happen;

Dream of the husbandBitten by the snake, is good omen, suggesting that the dreamer will get good luck.

Dreamed that saw the snake bite the others, is to remind the dreamer in addition to want to do your own business, should take care of the parents in the home, more children is the only rely on their parents and go home often, parents will feel very gratified.

Women dream of children was snake bites, suggest the dreamer her own son Sun Fu, sometimes often don't need to worry too much, the children will also have a lot of promise, they don't have to worry too much;

Married women hug the dream of the snake and put it in your arms, be a sign of birth;

Dream of the enemy was bitten by the snake, suggests that the dreamer competitors will fight each other, both in the end.

Dreamed of his finger was snake bite bleeding, suggesting that the dreamer is usually omen;

Woman is his fingers snake bite bleeding, suggesting that the dreamer themselves and their children are likely to fall ill, usually pay attention to diet health;

Businessmen by the snake bite bleeding finger, remind the dreamer must be good at thinking, think some more about business strategy idea, in the process of doing business and don't blindly only immediate interests;

Dreamed that he was the snake hard beak, suggesting that the dreamer's recent heart because some things may be very contradictory, and with some struggle, about their emotional distress, may be a conflict and their inner pain, the conflict and pain is likely to be from the feelings of choice.

Dream ofThe snake with:

Dreamed of snakes and other features, such as cold, so the dream of the snake can symbolize a personal emotional indifference, or dream of the snake, snake will tie up people, or swallow.Because the snake can also symbolizes a person's emotions, he (she) cling tightly to you, to the dreamer of breath;Or, he (she) care so much on their own, the excess will make themselves have no independence.An excessive doting mother in her child's dream might become a serpent, to swallow the child.

Dream of the snake with a dream, is a part of the body appear someone treachery or dreamer disease, the symbol of dream appear snakes are ominous omen, snake indicated there will be many difficulties, obstacles and treacherous behavior;

Dream of the snake so himself, make you panic, can not get away, means that the dreamer will encounter some difficulties, obstacles, or see a betrayal of his own behavior, this even couldn't believe;

Snake coiled is dreamed of his neck, and remind the dreamer may be sick, daily should pay more attention to their own bodies, no matter when, the body should be in the first place, only a strong body can support yourself to do anything.

Dream of the snake:

Dream of snakes, may indicate the dreamer or to sex of the look and feel of the sex life, perhaps the dreamer hungry sex, sex or allow yourself to feel filled with guilt, also may be yourself, a symbol of a good sex life.

Dreaming that killed the snake, suggesting that the dreamer can conquer the enemy;

Dream of the snake into the hole, remind the dreamer should lock the door when go out, to prevent theft because of carelessness led to home lost property;

Dream of snake and cat fight, suggests that the dreamer all disasters in the past;

Dream of with python confrontation, finally escaped, indicate the dreamer can escaped from the clutches of the enemy.

Dream of the snake to eat others, means danger not endangering yourself;

Dream of the snake to eat frogs, there are two, one kind is can have a fortune, another suggests that the dreamer may quarrel with others.

Dream for a snake in front, suggesting that the dreamer will have the interest of not interested in things, there will be a lucky;

Dream of snake dish on the roof, to remind the dreamer cannot paralysis, to pay more attention to travel safety.

Dream of the snake plate under the bed, said the dreamer may be sick, must keep optimistic mood, because the person's mood is good or bad is very important, if the mood optimistic, it is easy to get better, if the snake climbed out of bed, also suggest the dreamer the disease should be treated well.

Dream of small snake changed the serpent, and even to his vomit tongue or water spray, this is a dream, personality snake like male reproductive organs, suggests that the dreamer in physical sexual demand, desire for sexual pleasure.

Dreamed of snakes get Jackie chan in the air, it is suggested that the dreamer on the career and work, there will be a powerful friend or elder can help oneself, support oneself, oneself can be certain of success.

Dream of the snake in the waterswimming, said the dreamer will be a promotion, it is relying on its own strength to win, so my colleagues to oneself is also very admire, also can cooperate well with oneself, let oneself work very smoothly.

The following is a dream of the snake's psychological explanation:

The snake is one of common animals in a dream, is also one of the most commonly used image.Snake said content is very rich.

First of all, the dream of the snake sometimes symbolic, in women's dreams, snake, male genitalia, look from the shape has both alike, viper is the injury.Dream the attitude of the snake, said such as love, hate and fear, etc., often also illustrates the dreamer's attitude toward sex.Common dreams include being chased by a snake, snake stranded and bitten by the snake, symbol fled and pursued the dreamer fear of sexual psychology;The snake stranded symbol is the love of men and women;If women often dreamed of bitten by snakes, explain the dreamer is worry to be opposite sex anxiety.

Secondly, in the physical, the snake is on behalf of the spine, spinal lesions with wounded snake said.From the point of view of Yin and Yang, the snake said Yin.

Again, the snake also represents evil, cunning, cold-blooded, deception and temptation, this has to do with the image of many myths and folklore of the snake is the same.In the bible, is the serpent tempted eve to eat the forbidden fruit.Snake of animals tend to be viewed as hell angel or devil, dragged it into the darkness, corrupt and evil, and it USES the means of main is temptation.Folklore, the snake eat the frog is not take the initiative to capture, once the snake found frogs, with his eyes staring at it, and then the frog like be hypnotized, step by step, will himself into the snake's mouth.In people's mind, the snake is the temptation of represents such a hypnotic power.So when people find someone attractive and very evil, called the serpent;If the tempter is a woman, who we would call it beauty snake, fatale or that women are poisonous snakes.

Therefore, the dream of the snake might be an evil, cunning, wont cheat, hypnotic allure or charm.

Dreamed that snake in the evening

Dreamed of snakes chased me running at night will not have what's the meaning?

Can I sleep for several days always dream of a big flower snake, running after me, as long as I had it really want to know where, I will chase after me, there seems to be a follower, there was a hissing sound, good scary, would you say anything to happen!

Day thought, the night has a dream, is recently always think something, or things.Always dreamed of a snake it's not a big deal, it may be associated with you for a period of time to rest bad.

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