Dreamed that he carried the firewood into the house

Dreamed that he carried the firewood into the house

Dreamed that he carried the logs into the house, is a good dream, can be interpreted as the property back into his room and suggest that everything goes well with you and enjoy the riches and honour.

Dream see bound bundles of wood on thick black smoke, said he was going to you miserably enemy, but if the wood can burn, and burning very brightly, means you can avoid some disaster, and may see an economic boom.

Dreamed that he carried the logs into the house, there is a new idea of the day.Live a happy life, you will try to do some hard and challenging work/school, a housewife will be back to work/academic positions, to read you will find yourself a part-time job...In a word, today is your family big changes of the day!And only in such changes, to find their own luck!

The good or ill luck of dreaming that I am back to the wood into the house:

Based solid and can be successful in temporary, but was suppression for successful shipped to stretch, how difficult career extremely, unfortunately, discontent, sorrow, and there was a sudden leaps after middle age the eventuality of evil and endanger life."Fierce than ji"

Dreaming that I am back to avoid the wood in the appropriate:

"Appropriate" appropriate renege, appropriate to call mom, should be surrendered to apologize.

"Avoid" avoid to eat hot pot, avoid is barefoot, avoid the interview.

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