Dream of losing the car

Dreamer condition: to my female, age small, haven't to season of tai chi

Dream description: I made the dream of many years, has a very strange, started from work, the first is the dream of their ownbicycleHow also can not find, then, the locomotive again dreamed for locomotive, now looking for the dream of the car and began to do, confusion, very worried in the dream, but not sad.Such plots often appear repeatedly, this dream continues today, always don't understand, but every time looking for the car's situation is different, I mean finding the car, I lost dream car, has for many years, with my transportation and to change.

Dream of losing the car

Dream lost the car dream analysis

A, vehicle image

Bicycle, motorcycle, automobile represent yourself after a hard work, hard work to get valuable and precious fruits of labor and social status.

Second, the fear of losing to get wealth, afraid to poor men suffer again

When I was a child, family economic situation is not optimistic.Along with the start to work, the accumulation of experience, career success, economically, step by step to improve, your car is from the bicycle into a locomotive, now locomotive car.

Bicycle, motorcycle, car is the dreamer after struggling to get wealth, they come from is not easy, will be attention to them and protect them, and at the same time also worry about lost.

Dream is lost on fears of a property because when we were in a small grew up in a poor environment, heart, the fear of poverty is so worried about the loss of property, at the same time reflects the fear of poor again.

Three, fear of the loss of vitality, the change of self

Yourself off lost his precious things, feel is lost a part of life, work time is too long, the responsibility is too big, so exhausted your ego and your energy, along with the increase of age, along with the growth of the people, self also change at the same time, those who lost the car at the same time also means that was changed.

Four, fear of losing their control

Lost traffic tools is make you feel they are not under your control, or make you have no control over, this includes to their age, their beauty, their working condition and the ability to work and we work hard to get position of worry.

Dream of losing the car dreams

Dream lost things, and searching for something lost on the one hand, reflects in the reality through unremitting efforts to get yourself deserve wealth and status, on the other hand is worried that they did not protect the wealth and status, wealth and status has been lost, afraid for their wealth and status at the same time, let oneself lost more things.

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