Dream of home dirty and messy

Record the dream: dream of me home, to open the door, the door wall homes touch with a lot of chaff feeding chickens and ducks the rice, a lot of the fly there, all I push the door all fly fly, I know my mother in the kitchen, he asked her what happened, so there are so many flies?And flies still stung me.Seems to be another girl in the hall feel very sorry, feel is that she should do and what not to do.

I told my mom, flies bite to me.There is a place on a small red dot, with the hand a squeeze out a little bit of blood.Then my mom took me by the hand, take a look at, on a long arms like curve a bit, a bit like are flies bite.

Dream of home dirty and messy

Dream home messy dream analysis

First, the responsibility of the housekeeping

Dream is the theme of the messy home, this kind of mess is let a person feel sick, so is home to the dream host have the feeling of nausea.Home with the door to feed the chickens, lot of flies, the door means outside people also can feel the home messy, and this kind of mess let a person feel nausea and embarrassment.

Mom in the kitchen means of her care and to take care for him.

In the hall there was a girl feel very sorry, you need to be her to do things and not to do, think she do not do, means to help the family, family is the responsibility of the girl.* is the dreamer himself a child of the personality, the mean dream master to help families attended the items in the home, should let outsiders see home clean and tidy, happiness and auspicious.

Second, the small family influence, has developed my bad habits

Flies from his home, influenced by the family of bad ideas and habits.Let dreams were infected, but the infection to the dreamer has developed not know take part in the management of the family and the family to pay;A long a bit, a bit like curve means that the impact is not accidental, but a lot of and exist for a long time.A small red dot, squeeze out a little bit of blood, further illustrate its own problems.Mother took his hand, that the mother also know that their own troubles and problems.The presence of the mother to mother at the same time reflects the dreamer.

Dream of home dream dirty and untidy

Problems the mess of the home and family, parents they have a responsibility, but they should also be for the home of children out of a force, but many people do not contribute to the family, will not pay for the family.Family not only need to bear the responsibility of parents, children, too, should bear the responsibility to take care family.

Dreams reflects the dreamer accused of family situation, and yet blindly escape responsibility for the family, with all sorts of excuses to escape.And under the influence of family as a child, is in the home of the bad habits and culture influence, cause you don't take care of the family.

Dreams reflect the dependence on family members at the same time, hope to get the support and sympathy of relatives.

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