Dream of temple temple temple

Dream of temple temple temple is what mean?Dream dream of temple temple temple?Dream of temple temple temple has reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of temple temple temple detailed solution.

Dream of temple temple temple

Dream of temples, suggesting that you will have to turn to help you solve problems, to help you work life smoothly.

Men dreamed oftemple, may suffer from unstable predict career or environment.

A womanDream of temples, indicate the husband family may encounter accident.

The patient dreamed of temples, suggesting that can accentuate illness.

If the dream of entering temples or seats in the temple, suggest you will be a great success, or marriage.

pregnancyWife dreamed that he entered the temple, reminds you to be pay attention to safety, the fetus may have an accident.

Dream of the wifeInto the temple that husband and wife life harmony and happiness.

Dream stepping into his enemy, suggest you will defeat the enemy.

Dream of a glorious temple, symbol of success;If the dream of temple quiet solemn, suggests more quiet serene life.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream Taoist.Every dream novice monastic castle in the cavern Dan room view live, ordinary people are auspicious, disease is ominous.People which someone lead people, and don't account for."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream).Who dream here, as to what is, by its don't talk about.ReFu ignore idle pool, Christmas jump blasphemy, will face a disaster."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream guandi temple, great luck.Horse single-pole, zhong liver righteousness, bravery, defender of the daughter of the emperor.The teachers of the law face the dreams, of KuiYuan;Blow to face the dreams, the main victory over active.Dream the patients, and in a few days and more;Merchants dream of this, when one thousand times;Ordinary people dream of this, conversion of qing ji;A pregnant womanThe dream of this, gave birth to a son;To subvert the dreams, official help, finally attained to relieve himself."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream home.There is a temple of the home, so do the son, Chen Xiao enjoy also.Who dream here, as the child cannot bear to forget the kiss, the first spirit thus see it also.Dream to build repair, gain wealth and Lord.Dream thanks to drink steamed taste, the main JueLu FengHeng.Dream in the temple to see spirit first, happy sad bad.Dream home temple dogs and cats have the rat in pigs, the outlaw.Dream into the palace to see spiritual habitat, the Lord has began to.Dream temple in vegetation, the main destruction constantly.Dream home temple skewed damage, spiritual habitat, the main JiuZu with each couple quarreled.Dream block destroyed the disadvantages, the main destruction.Dream Yang continuous injured, an occasion to Lord.Dream a phoenix bit book family temple, the Lord emperor granted ennui."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream all previous dynasties imperial clan toward the first emperor temple.As for the good omen of a dream, a dream fierce as inauspicious, no no bad dreams, the test will be swimming in here."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream correlation.The dream the wind and rain of drought and flood, the field soil road sign.The long drought have heavy rain to dreams, for a long time rain dream Lord rain check."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream worship the ancient temple on the mountain, as a good omen."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream sage temple, the great luck.The dream Lord have good friends, saint.A girl have to show, children have to expensive, Leon."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream ancestral temple hall.Scribe the dreams, the name Huang Bang, ranked tzung Po;Warrior dream of this, the main work in the country;Flat people dream of this, should be pushed its constant to account for.Your dream was born in the ancestral temple of."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Confucian temple.Dream instead of into the door, not the ACTS of Confucius.Dream's hall and home, and is a catch.XiJu no children, the dream into the propaganda temple, check in children.Disease dreams this drama, XingYu st., there are ten, but deathless my renownMonks this dream, appropriate insistance affinity."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Will dream of the temple, with a silver spoon in her mouth."Dunhuang dream book"

Dream of the temple, ancestors."Dunhuang dream book"

Dream into the temple of the Lord to gain, ji.The broken dream secretary

Dream into the temple or worship, the main goods."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

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